Please note that the information on this page is from the past and has not been updated. Most video is seen on YouTUBE now and this page will not be updated with current information. Thanks, RC Jones Editor. August 20, 2012
Speedway! 8:00 p.m. on NBC
"I just saw a commercial during the NASCAR race on NBC advertising
"World's Most Amazing Videos" and it showed Kevin Rubio's crash at Costa Mesa Speedway, on the commercial. It's pretty
spectacular! I didn't see it in person, but after seeing the clip on TV the crash was
wilder than I thought! The show will air at 8:00 p.m. on NBC here on the West Coast
tomorrow night (November 15, 1999). "
Ryan Evans
TV Motorsports listings for ESPN2 and Speedvision

ESPN2: MotoWorld showed the Spring Classic from Costa Mesa Speedway on
Saturday March 28,'98 2:00pm length 0:30
SpeedVision will run the Bike Week Magazine show with host, Larry Maiers on 9-8 & 9-12-98, e.s.t.
Check your local listings. Why??? Well I'll tell you! Most of the shoe, I mean show,will
feature--you guessed it! 'SPEEDWAY' This particular segment of Bike Week will feature the
Northern California Auburn Speedway track. From what I gathered, this track is heavily
focused by Larry & Co. I'll keep everyone posted in the event of future programs in
regard to the SLIDEWAY ACTION!!! Thanx and Enjoy. - Michael 'MOXY' DeChamplain
Bike Week has also shown the highlights of the '98 opening night at Costa Mesa Speedway shown on May 28th.
On October 10,2000 Bike Week showed the highlights of the September 29 race at Fast Fridays Speedway where Greg Hancock won the 2000 AMA National Speedway Championship.

The 1997 Speedway Grand Prix six race series
can be seen on Speedvision TV Network,
through January, February and March, in CANADA and the USA.
Thanks to Tim Mathewson for this info.
Mar 10, 2-4pm & 9-11pm.
Mar 11, 1-3am.
Mar 17, 11am, 3pm & 9-11pm.
Mar 18, 1-3am.
Mar 24, 11am, 3pm & 10pm.
Mar 25, 2am.
Mar 31, 11am, 3pm & 10pm. |
Don't forget to watch for the "Speedway 101"segment on Bike Week. 7pm Schedule for: Feb.10,17,24, and Mar. 3, 10, 24, and 28th.
ESPN's MotoWorld had highlights of the west coast indoor ice last week. |
Do you want More Speedway on T.V.?
"Was watching Speedvision Sunday-25th, the program was the Lost
Drive-In series. The movie playing was titled, SideCar Racers, which by the way is shown
from time to time on SpeedVision. About 1/2 way through the flick, they show a pretty good
segment on some Australian SpeedWay from Vintage 1975 era. Along with a great on board of
the 1/2 Mile they are racing at! Didn't catch the credits at the end of the movie to see
which team was racing, but they were Professional's. Also noticed, that while on the
subject of SpeedVision, the Flat Track Nationals are being covered slightly on ESPN2.
Better than ZERO coverage!!! But my point is that the Flat Track Pages have prompted their
people to let the Network know that they support the decision to broadcast the Races! Both
networks--ESPN & SpeedVision have a FeedBack line open. Maybe under the Plug for
SpeedWay G.P. series in the Hot News, you could footnote a message to thank them for at
least showing the Series. They like that kinda stuff."
FlatTrack News has just posted the
98' Grand National Dirt Track schedule on ESPN2. The entire TV listings with dates and
time have been posted, along with a Web site that is definitely worth taking a look at!!!
Michael DeChamplainMoxy@Klondyke.Net
Good idea Michael! Everyone, please send a note to Speedchannel, ESPN2 MotoWorld Online, TNN, and any local cable
stations that show this type of racing, and thank them for their coverage, and ask to see MORE!