Fairgrounds Raceway Santa Maria
Santa Maria, CA

Photos from Gary Roberts
CLOSED at the end of the 1997 season.
175 miles north of LA., between San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara,
off the 101 at Broadway and Stowell
(It's not at the Santa Maria midget car track one sees from the 101,
it is a brand new facility at the Santa Maria Fairgrounds. )
Prismo Beach Motorcycles
- Triumph Dealership -
The Official Sponsor of Fairgrounds Raceway
Saturday evening racing (7:00 PM) unless otherwise noted
Front gate open for admission at 6:00 PM
Pit gate open for pit crew from 4:00 PM
Admission: $8.00 - Adults, $4.00
Juniors (7 to 14), 6 and under - FREE
Also see:
- Fairground Raceway's announcer
and SUNNY COUNTRY 102.5 disk jockey:
Susan Stogner (e-mail her at: ksni@bak2.lightspeed.net)
- Great riders like: Gerry Duttweiler
- The RDC South page on Fairgrounds Raceway |
I would like to take this opportunity
to appeal to all interested potential riders to contact John VanderMuelen (805) 937 8584 as soon as possible and let him know that
you want to ride next year. We plan a couple of practice sessions
during the winter, more if demand requires it. We would like as much
support as possible, to convince our promoter to continue investing in us.
Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org
1997 Race Results
April 12 Opening Day
April 19
April 26 Strawberry Festival - Afternoon racing & regular evening schedule
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31 Western Night/KSNI - Sunny Country Radio- Speedway Bikes/Quads/Midgets- Western apparel (other than blue jeans) 1/2 Price
June 7 Photo-Ad/Easy-Ad Night- Speedway Bikes/Quads/Vintage Flat Track- Give Aways
June 14 - NO RACING (Motorcycle Speedway American Final at Costa Mesa)
June 21 - NO RACING (John's gettin' married!)
June 28 Dad's Night - Speedway Bikes/Quads/Karts - Dads with kids Free
July 4 (Fri.) (Minetti Arena activities are NOT Fairgrounds Raceway activities)
July 5(Afternoon programs begin at 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM)
4th of July/County Fair
- Speedway Bikes/Quads/Midgets - FREE with fair admission
July 12 - Speedway Bikes/Quads/Midgets
July 19 - NO RACING - Arena event is NOT a Fairgrounds Raceway-sponsored event
July 26 - NO RACING - (church festival) - Speedway Bikes/Quads/Midgets - H-D apparel 1/2 Price
August 2 -NO RACING - (church festival)
August 9( Racing starts again ) - Speedway Bikes/Quads/Midgets
August 16 - Speedway Bikes/Quads/Karts
August 23 - Speedway Bikes/Quads
August 30 - Speedway Bikes/Vintage Flat Track/Jr.
September 6 - Speedway Bikes/Quads/Midgets
September 13 - Speedway Bikes/Quads
September 20 Junior State Championship - Speedway Bikes/Quads
October 11 - Speedway Bikes/Quads
October 18 (Harley Night) - Speedway Bikes/Quads
1996 Race Results
July 13
September 14
September 21
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
A SPECIAL thanks to: Gary Roberts for getting this schedule and David Chan for reopening this great track.
Phil Collins Speedway School
on Sat. Jan. 11th 1997
call John VanderMeulen at (805) 937-8584 for more information
See the NEWS page for the latest on "Central California Speedway"
becomes "Fairgrounds Raceway Santa Maria".
.. and Phil Collins speedway school.