Fairgrounds Raceway Santa Maria, California
July 5, 1997 - Fairgrounds Raceway
From: Gary Roberts
I missed it, but here's the results:
Randy DiFrancesco 15
Charlie Powell 14
Kon Baur 12
Brian Thompson 12
Matt King 11
Kitt Nay 8
Gerry Duttweiller 7
Bill Green 7
Jason Montgomery 5
Tim Appel 5
Paul Baldwin 4
Jimmy Collins 3
A final:
DiFrancesco, Baur, Powell
Good news was that there was a crowd of over 1000 people. That's what
happens when I stay away. Actually it was the county fair, and entry to
the speedway was free. Let's hope they all come back next week.
Other good news from this end is that Victorville speedway started up
again last Friday. I am still trying to track down the results.
Gary Roberts - gary_rob@ix.netcom.com
