2008 USA Speedway History - Central USA
Central USA Results |
Long Track May 24, 2008 |
Mid America June 14, 2008 |
Mid America June 28, 2008 |
Mid America July 19 , 2008 |
Long Track July 18, 2008 |
Mid America August 23, 2008 |
Mid America August 2, 2008 |
Mid America September 27, 2008 |
Mid America September 6, 2008 |
Mid America October 4, 2008 |
Mid America September 28, 2008 |
Mid America October 11, 2008 |
Mid America October 5, 2008 |
We are planning to hold the Speedway Long Track National Championship on May 23, 2009 in Canton, Ohio and the Speedway Long Track Ohio Championship on July 17, 2009 in Wauseon, Ohio.
Thanks, Scotty (For more details go to www.bikedays.com)
2008 Indiana Flat Track Awards
The Indiana Flat Track Association 2008 awards banquet will be Saturday, November 8th at 7:00pm.
The banquet will be at the Midwest Motorcycle Clubhouse which is located at 3105 South Harding Street, Indianapolis , IN.
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We are going to have to cancel the remaining practices for 2008. The staff at the fairgrounds has winterized the lines that supply us with water, thinking that we were done for the year, and we now have no way of filling our water tank. On the other hand the weather forecast is calling for rain on Friday and Saturday, so it appears that we would have had a good chance of getting rained out.
Once again we want to thank the sponsors, riders, volunteers, and spectators that supported us during our first season. We are putting our 2009 schedule together and will update our website shortly. We do know that we will have events on July 25th, which is the first Saturday of the Marion County Fair, and on August 28th, which is the Friday night of MotoGP weekend, and the night before the Indy Mile.
Thank you
The Staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Our 2008 racing season has come to a close, and we wanted to take a moment to thank all of our sponsors and volunteers that made our first season a successful one.
Alexander & Associates Law Office
Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA)
Dreyer Honda
Dreyer Motorsports
Gatewood Engineering (GEARS)
Harley-Davidson/Buell of Bloomington
Indiana Flat Track Association
Indiana Truck Sales
Indianapolis Southside Harley-Davidson
Indy Jawa
Indy Powder Coating
Mark One Composites
Noblesville Honda
We hope to have our 2009 schedule finalized by mid-November. Please keep an eye on our website as we will be updating the 2009 schedule, and final points totals very soon.
Even though the racing season is over, we still have a few practice sessions schedule. There will be a practice at 6:00pm on Tuesday, October 21st, and then again at 3:00 on Saturday, October 25th. Practice is $15 per rider. or $25 for a parent/child, or two siblings.
Interested in giving speedway a try? We will have a speedwaybike available to try. The only requirement is that you are 16 years old.
Thank you,
The staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
October 6
We have two more events scheduled at Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway in 2008. We will be racing this Saturday, October 11th and again on Saturday, October 18th.
October 11th will be the final Indiana Flat track association event of 2008. Youth classes will practice at 2:00 and race after practice. Adult classes will practice at 5:00 and race at 7:00. Please go to www.indianaflattrack.com for a complete list of classes.
Not only we will be holding practice on Tuesday, October 7th, we will also be having an open practice on Sunday, October 12th from noon to 4:30. Practice is $15 per rider, or $25 for two youth riders. Pit passes are not required on Sunday, although everybody entering the pits will need to sign a waiver. If you wish to camp at the fairgrounds on Saturday night, there is a camping area located in the southeast corner of the fair grounds with full hookups. The fair board charges $15 per night to camp. We have also been made aware of a new Baymont Hotel located at I-465 and Brookville road (one exit north of the track) that is offering discounts to racers. Rates are $60 per night.
October 18th will be the final race at Mid-America for 2007. Practice will begin at 5:00 and racing will begin at 7:00. At our last event, Steven Duffy suggested that we add a youth 80-200 class, and it was a huge success. We will be running this class again on October 18th. The class is open to two and four stroke motorcycles between 80 and 200cc. Riders must be age 15 or less.
See you at the races!
The staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Our first of many seasons at Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway is starting to wind down, but we still have four events left in 2008. If you have not made it out yet, you need to hurry!
Rounds 7 and 8 of the Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway points series will be held this weekend, October 4th and 5th.
Gates will open at 2:00pm on Saturday, October 4th with practice taking place at 5:00pm, and racing starting at 7:00pm. On Sunday, October 5th, gates will open at 10:30 and practice will start at 1:00pm. Racing will start right after practice.
October 11th will be the last chance to earn points in the final Indiana Flat Track Association’s 2008 point series.
Gates will open at 11:00, youth classes will practice at 2:00pm and race right after practice. The adult classes will practice at 5:00 and race at 7:00. For more info about the Indiana Flat Track Association, please visit their website at www.indianaflattrack.com.
October 18th will mark the end of our first season at Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway. Gates will open at 2:00, practice will start at 5:00 and racing will begin at 7:00.
We are looking to see if there is interest in running a vintage/brakeless class at the last few events of 2008. If you would be interested in running this class, please drop us a note. If there is enough response we will add it to the lineup, but we need to hear from you.
For those of you that attend our Tuesday practice sessions, we are going to have to cancel practice on Tuesday, September 30th due to weather. The latest forecast is calling for rain on Monday night, and Tuesday morning. We will try again on Tuesday, October 7th.
See you at the races….
The staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Sunday, September 24, 2008
Round 5 of the Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway points series is this Saturday, September 27th with Sunday September 28th being Round 6.
Gates will open Saturday, September 27th at 2:00pm. Signup will be open by 3:45 and practice will begin at 5:00. Heat races will begin at 7:00. On Sunday, September 28th, the gates will open at 10:00, and practice will begin at 12:30. We will start the heats right after practice. It is our hope that we are done by 5:00 so that everybody can get home at a decent hour.
For a complete list of classes, please visit Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
We will have another round of racing on Saturday, October 4th, and Sunday October 5th.
The times for Saturday, October 4th will be the same as Saturday, September 27th, and the times for Sunday October 5th will be the same as Sunday, September 28th.
We will be running the Mid-America class structure on September 27th, 28th, and October 4th and 5th.
October 11th will be the final Indiana Flattrack Association event of 2008. Gates will open at noon, with youth classes practicing at 2:00 and racing right after practice. Adult classes will practice at 5:00 and race at 7:00. All IFTA classes will be run.
October 18th is the final Mid-America event of 2008. Gate will open at 2:00, signup will open by 3:45, practice will begin at 5:00, and racing will begin at 7:00.
We have had many people ask about camping at the fairgrounds on the weekends of September 27th and October 4th. While the fair board does not permit camping in the grandstand area, they do have a designated camping area with electric, water, and sewer service available for $15 per night. The camping area is located at the southeast corner of the fairgrounds property. If you decide to camp at the fairgrounds, please remember that motorcycles or ATV’s are not permitted to be operated outside of the fenced in area at the track, and alcohol is not permitted on fairgrounds property.
See you at the races!
The staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
This Saturday, September 6th is Dreyer Honda night at Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway. This is also an Indiana Flattrack Association points paying event. Youth classes practice at 2:00 and race right after practice. Adult classes will practice at 5:00 and race at 7:00. Please go to http://www.indianaflattrack.com/ for a complete listing of classes.
Next Friday, September 12this Bloomington Harley-Davidson/Buell of Bloomington night. We have changed our class structure, and will be running all of our regular classes on this night.
Youth: 50cc shaft, 50cc chain, 65-85cc, 80-160cc four stroke youth, youth quad
Adult: Dirt Diva, Adult 100/125 stock, Adult 80-160 four stroke mod, Vet 45+, 250-two/four stroke, 450+ (Open)
Quad: Youth Quad, Adult Quad (400cc and under), Adult Quad (450+)
Please go to http://midamspeedway.com/ for a complete listing and description of classes.
In other news our dust control product was used at the last race on August 23rd, and we were able to keep the dust to a minimum. This night saw our best crowd of the year come out for Indianapolis Southside Harley-Davidson & Buell night.
We need to remind everybody that if you choose to pit outside of the fenced in pit area that all machines must be pushed from your pit to the pit entrance. The fairground employees have made many improvements to the pit area and there should be enough room for almost everybody.
We have added two weekends of racing in order to make up for June 7th and July 12th which were rained out. There will be racing on September 27th and 28th, and then again on October 4th and 5th. We have discussed building a TT course using the existing infield, and possibly making one of the Sunday dates a TT race. Please let us know if you would be interested in riding a TT event.
Thank you from the staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway, www.midamspeedway.com
Mid America Motorcycle Speedway
First off, let us start off by apologizing for the amount of dust at the last event. The Marion County Fair had ended the weekend prior to our last race, and we did not receive any rainfall between the end of the fair and the August 2nd race.
During the ten day fair, they held garden tractor pulls, horse pulls, truck pulls and tractor pulls on the front straight, and a demolition derby on the infield. All of this activity required a major rework of the entire track which unfortunately did not allow enough time to get the surface sufficiently packed. We started watering Friday evening, and continued watering most of the day on Saturday, but we simply could not get enough water into the surface to make a difference.
To make matters worse, our water tank suffered a flat tire about 10 heats into the adult part of the program. Facing an 11:00pm curfew, we had no choice but to continue running while the tire was being repaired. We even changed the race order slightly in order to allow the smaller classes to run with the idea being that less dust would be created if fewer bikes were on the track.
Now on to the good news, we have come up with an additive that is mixed in with the water which acts as a dust control agent. During last Tuesday’s practice, we watered one time with this product and dust was not an issue the rest of the night. The track maintained a dark moist color, and did not develop a “blue groove”. Because the surface was holding moisture, the surface material did a better job of staying where it belonged instead of being thrown to the top of the track.
Several riders even commented about the amount of grip that the track provided. We have also been able to secure the services of a different concession stand vendor, and we promise that the food will be better quality and better priced than the previous vendor. The next event is August 23rd, and is sponsored by Southside Harley-Davidson and Buell.
All spectators entering the stands will receive a ticket for a chance to win a variety of prizes which have been provided by Southside Harley-Davidson and Buell.
Gates will open at 3:00, practice at 5:00, and racing begins at 7:00.
For more information go towww.midamspeedway.com
Mid America Motorcycle Speedway
We will be racing again this Saturday July 12th, at the Marion County Fairgrounds. This is an Indiana Flat Track Association (IFTA) points paying event.
Youth classes will practice at 2:00 and race at 3:00. Adult classes will practice at 5:00 and race at 7:00. For a complete list of classes that will be running, please go to www.indianaflattrack.com.
We are going to move our weekly practice night to Tuesday’s starting on July 29th. July 9th will be our last Wednesday practice, and due to the Marion County Fair we will not be practicing the weeks of 7/15, or 7/22. We also need to remind everybody of some important items that need mentioned.
1. Pit space is somewhat limited. The pit area has been improved, so there is more parking than what we had at the first two events. We would like all youth riders to pit directly outside of the pit entrance, on the left side of the drive as you would enter the track. Adult riders please park inside of the fenced in area adjacent to turns three and four. If a youth rider and an adult rider are traveling together, feel free to park inside the fenced in area.
2. There is no pit riding. The grounds keeper for the facility has informed us that anybody that is observed pit riding will be asked to leave the grounds. This is their policy and they were very lenient at the first two events, but they have informed us that they have no choice in the matter.
3. Youth signup will close at 2:30 and adult signup will close at 5:00.
4. Both parents of a minor child must sign the AMA minor release form, unless you have a 2008 Annual Release which has been issued by the AMA.
5. No alcohol or weapons are permitted on fairgrounds property.
6. Knobby tires are permitted on 50cc motorcycles only. If you are not sure, please check with a track official.
7. Enjoy yourself and have fun.
For more information go towww.midamspeedway.com
Wauseon National – July 18-20, 2008
Antique Flat Track Motorcycle Races, Friday Night July 18, 2008
The Antique Motorcycle Club of America Chapters are sponsoring the 26th annual Antique Motorcycle National Meet the third weekend in July at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon, Ohio. This club has over 12,000 club members internationally.
This is the second largest swap meet in the county. There will be over 500 vendor spaces occupied that are packed full of old parts and motorcycles. The parts and bikes must be over 35 years old, so if you are looking for some old, rare stuff this is the place to find it.
The fairgrounds are located just north of the Ohio Turnpike at the RT 108 exit. You can’t miss it once you get off the Ohio Turnpike and head north. The fairgrounds property is huge with lots of nice buildings and half mile dirt oval race track with grandstands.
The dates of the meet are July 18 through 20, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are many different things going on each day. The meet opens to the public on Friday at 9:00 am. There is no admission charge. There is a $4.00 charge for parking for all three days. You can wander and view acres of parts and bikes for sale. Bring your walking shoes.
There are several different food vendors on premises serving a variety of plates. There is the usual breakfast available under the grandstands. Then for lunch you will find various menus from burgers to fish and Mexican specialties. There is something for everyone. Even an ice cream and shake shack.
Friday night at 6:30 pm there will be AMA sanctioned Motorcycle Racing on the half mile dirt track. Sponsored by Applied Innovations/JAWA, Barnett Clutches, Ben Breece Harley-Davidson, Bonnie’s Engraver’s Gallery, Cycle Trader, Dixie International, K-K Motorcycle Supply, Lake Erie Chapter of the AMCA, Moose Racing, Oury Grip, PJ’s Fabricating, Wheel’s Through Time Museum and Wiseco Piston.
Admission is $15.00 for adults. Practice runs start at 2:15 pm and at 4:30 pm the heat races will begin. Opening ceremonies at 6:30 pm and the mains will follow. There will be over 100 antique cycles racing in 10 events on the dirt oval. Some of the classes include Board Track – Teens thru 1928 (some of these actually raced on board tracks back in the day), Handshift – 1936 thru 1951, Brakeless, Open Twins-Pro and more. Plus the Ohio Speedway Long Track Championship, Speedway bikes run on alcohol and have no brakes.
At last years races the action was so frantic the crowd was standing and screaming as the old bikes were flying by … Lots of excitement was in the air. Various makes such as Indian, Harley, Merkel, Cyclone and Yale were competing. All were beautifully restored and were running loud and fast. Don’t miss the races this year.
Race pre registration is available online at www.bikedays.com or call Scotty Brown at (330) 837-5694. Scotty and the Bike Days Motorcycle Club promote Bike Days in Canton, Ohio in May over Memorial Weekend that features the AMA/USA Speedway Long Track National Championship along with a two day swap meet and flat track racing. For more information on Canton and Wauseon go to www.bikedays.com
Saturday, July 19 the swap meet opens again at 9:00 am. There’s millions of part there so there will be lots of hard to find items still available. Vendors will be there all day. At 10:00 am there is a bike parade for antique bikes. The tour goes out in the countryside and ends in the historic downtown Wauseon. The locals love to come in town to view the bikes.
At 11:00 am there are field games for cyclists in a large grassy area within the swap meet grounds. The spectators love to watch the bikers carrying a cup of water on their heads across the finish line without spilling a drop. Or wait out the slow race results. Bikers are lined up 200’ form the finish line and the slowest or last bike to cross the finish line wins. This is very exciting to watch. Several other games like the tire toss, barrel wind, hotdog bite, etc. are played also.
Saturday afternoon at 2:00 pm in the Arts and Crafts Building, a speaker will discuss how to properly prepare for cross country trips on a bike. Traveling tips will be given. Our speaker has traveled all 48 states and has plenty of experiences to offer to biker that yearn to travel big time.
At 3:00 pm a seminar will be put on to recruit new bike judges. Show bike judging takes some know how even if you think you are an expert on certain bikes. Spend an hour here and learn some judging techniques and secrets plus the correct scoring system. It will probably take longer than an hour! Actually show bikes will be on display and the Chief Judge from the Antique Motorcycle Club of America will be on hand to guide you through judging procedures. This event will also be in the Arts & Crafts Building.
Saturday night there will be a hog roast. The hogs will be roasted outdoors all day. The aroma will be fantastic. Line up at 7:00 pm with your tickets for a great barbeque dinner of roast chicken or pig and all the fixins including beverages and dessert at a cost of $15.00 per person. If good weather, we will be picnicking in an open pavilion with music. If it is inclement, we can dine indoors at the Jr. Fair Building with music.
All weekend long a silent auction benefiting the Alzheimer’s Foundation will be going on. Motorcycle items are up for bid. The top winning bids will be announced after dinner in the Junior Fair Building.
Sunday morning there will be a large antique cycle show on the grounds. Over 100 restored classic bikes of all makes, BMW, Horex, Vincent, Indian, Mustang, etc, etc. The bikes will be fully judged and awarded points. The top finishers will receive trophies at noon.
The marquee of the meet is the Harley Davidson Panhead model. We celebrate the 60th anniversary year. The first Panhead motorcycle was introduced in 1948. Another new engine for Harley following the Knucklehead engine. The Panhead was produced up to 1965. It was a great engine and during that period also the Hydroglide front forks, electric starter and rear suspension was developed and incorporated into Harley motorcycles.
Everyone who brings a Panhead and puts on display at the meet will receive a free commemorative meet pin. The Panhead theme will be evidence on all caps, t-shirts, and pins on sale at the registration tent. Come get a souvenir!
It is going to be a Great Weekend! Don’t miss it! See you there.
For further General information, please call Bob Satava at 440-248-0861.
For Swap Meet Vending information, please call Rocky Halter at 330-832-1989.
For Friday’s Antique Race information go to www.bikedays.com
Pre-registration and letter of intent open until 7/14/08
These are exciting times for Speedway in America. There are great opportunities for the Speedway rider and spectator alike during the weekend of July 18th.
A rider can race the Ohio Championship in Wauseon Friday night, then head over to Indiana or Canada for Saturday. The Canadian Championship in Welland, Canada (360 miles from Wauseon) and Mid-America Speedway, Indianapolis (200 miles from Wauseon) are scheduled for Saturday July 19.
I encourage every Speedway rider to team up with other riders to take advantage of this double header for the experience and the support & growth of Speedway.
I cherish the years we raced Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Friday night, Green, NY Saturday night, and Owego, NY Sunday night...good times indeed. Cheers, Scotty
FIM World Long Track Championship Final 1
Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) 24.05.2008
June 14th event added to Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway schedule
Monday, June 9, 2008
We are pleased to announce that we have rescheduled the June 7th event that was rained out for this Saturday, June 14th.
This event will be part of the Indiana Flat Track Association (www.indianaflattrack.com) 2008 point’s series.
Youth classes will start practice at 2:00 and race at 3:00. Adult classes will practice at 5:00 and race at 7:00.
We also have an open practice scheduled this Wednesday, June 11th from 6:00-9:00pm.
For more information please visit our website at www.midamspeedway.com.
Rain Causes opener canceled at Mid-America
Due to the amount of rain that we received Friday night, and today, we are forced to cancel today’s event.
Our next event is June 28th. We will have open practices on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 starting June 11th.
Update - Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Once again the rains on Tuesday are going to prevent us from having practice on Wednesday, 6/4. The good news is that we are going to have practice on Friday 6/6 which means that those of you that are coming from out of town can practice Friday, and race on Saturday. We have secured a discounted rate of $48 including tax at a local Knight's Inn , four exits west of us at I-465 and Harding Street (exit 4). We will post a link to their website soon. If you need their information sooner, please drop us a note and we will get it to you.
We wanted to take a minute to answer some of the more frequently asked questions that we have been receiving. When reading the Q&A below, please remember that we are putting on a show for the spectators and many of the answers below are given with the intent of making the event run smoothly for both the riders and spectators.
Q: What is the difference between the IFTA nights and non-IFTA nights?
A: We are doing four races this season (June 7th, July 12th, August 2nd, and September 6th) that are part of the Indiana Flat Track Association's point’s series. During those four nights we will run the IFTA classes, and rules. Please visit http://www.indianaflattrack.com for more information and class descriptions.
During the non-IFTA nights we will run the classes listed on our website at: http://midamspeedway.com/Pages/classes.htm. Please note that some of the IFTA classes have different rules than the Mid-America classes. Please look over the rules and make sure that your machine is legal for the class that you plan on running.
We will offer at least two divisions of Speedway on both IFTA and Mid-America nights.
Q: How will year end points be calculated?
A: Points scored during the four IFTA nights will count toward year end awards with IFTA, and points scored during Mid-America nights will count toward Mid-America year end awards. We will drop a rider’s worst night from the point totals for the Mid-America year end awards. Speedway riders will receive points for all nights, with the worst night being dropped from a rider’s total.
Q: What time are you starting?
A: On IFTA nights, the gates will open at 12:00, signup will open at 1:00 and youth practice will start at 2:00. Youth heats will begin at 3:00, and mains will be run immediately after the heats. Adult practice will begin at 5:00 with heats starting at 7:00. Nobody will be permitted to practice until they have been properly signed in.
A: On Mid-America nights, gates will open at 2:30, practice will begin at 4:30, and opening ceremonies will begin at 7:00. Again, nobody will be permitted to practice until they have been signed in.
Q: How much does it cost to race?
A: Everybody entering the pits will have to purchase a pit pass. Children 6 and under are free, ages 7-14 are $5, and adults are $10. Youth classes are $20 to enter, adult flat track classes are $25 and speedway classes are $30. All riders must have a current AMA membership, if you need to renew, we will have applications at the track. AMA memberships are $39 per year. Everybody entering the pits must sign a release. One important change that has been in place for many years but rarely enforced, is that both parents of a minor child must sign the release form if your child is going to race. While we realize that this may be difficult, we have no choice in this matter and must follow the rules. We encourage all parents of minor children to download the Minor release form from the AMA website and send it to the AMA. Once they receive it, they will send you a card which shows that a 2008 Minor Release form is on file, and the minor release form will not have to be signed on race day. The adult release form also saves time at signup and can be found there.
Q: What is the purse?
A: Trophies will be awarded to the top three riders in all youth classes. Additionally all 50cc riders will receive a participant award. All adult classes will pay back at least 75% of the entry fees that are collected in that class.
Q: Tell me about the pits.
A: We want all riders to park inside the fenced in area at the west end of the track. We would prefer that those of you with RV's and trailers not park next to the retaining wall between turns three and four. There will be no pit riding, although riders are permitted to ride from their pit to the staging area. In the highly unlikely event that we have to park vehicles outside of the fenced in area, all machines must be pushed from your pit to the staging area.
Q: How will riders enter and exit the track?
A: All riders must be in staging prior to the checkered flag of the heat prior to theirs being shown. If you are going to need your two minutes, the pit steward must be made aware. We will pre-stage all riders according to how they are going to start one heat before they are up. Any rider who is late to staging will start from the penalty line. Once the track is clear, the starter will call the riders to the line. The rider on the pole will be sent out first, with the rider in the second position going out next, then third, etc. Once the race is over, the turn three corner worker will have all riders exit the track on the back straight at the start of turn three. There will be no cool down laps. During the main event only, the winner will continue around and collect the checkered flag from the starter and to do a victory lap.
Q: Tell me about the 105decibel limit.
A: Mid-America motorcycle speedway is located within the Indianapolis city limits. There is a housing subdivision located approximately 1/2 mile away, and we want to be good neighbors so that we can be here for many years to come. Our lease with the fair board stipulates that we will not exceed 105db.
Q: What other rules do I need to know about?
A: This is a multi-part question.
1. The Marion County Fair board does not permit alcohol on the premises, if you are observed consuming alcohol, you will be asked to leave. If you are a rider and are observed consuming alcohol and all of the races for the class you are entered in have not been run, you will be asked to not return for the remainder of the season.
2. There is a dirt berm approximately 20' tall that runs the length of the facility between the track and Interstate 74, absolutely no machines are to go near this berm.
Thank you for your support and understanding
Jim Terchila Eddie Kelly - info@midamspeedway.com
2008 Speedway Long Track National Championship Results
By Scotty Brown
Canton, OH May 24, 2008
Jeff Orosz came out on top at the AMA/USA Speedway Long Track NationalChampionship, Saturday May 24, 2008 at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton, Ohio.
The Long Track National was organized by Scotty Brown and the Bike Days Motorcycle Club www.bikedays.com and sponsored by Freedom Harley-Davidson, Miller Lite Racing, Cycle Trader, Applied Innovations, Dixie International, Engraver's Gallery, Kames Sports, K-K Motorcycle Supply, Moose Racing, PJ's Fabricating and Wiseco Piston. The championship ran in conjunction with the AMA Flat Track Motorcycle Races and Swap Meet at the BIKE DAYS 6th annual meet.
It was Memorial Weekend - spring time in Northeastern Ohio, with no rain in the forecast. The half mile limestone cushion track was in perfectcondition for the Championship. Brian Fowler of the Brian and Joe morning radio show and Bob Sigler were the announcers on hand to call the action.
North Americas' finest Long Track Riders assembled in Canton for the Championship. Peter Pederson former Danish league rider now living inSouth Dakota traveled across the country with a new Jawa sportingexperimental cams shipped in from Europe, these cams being one of only two sets in America. The other set of cams are being used by Drew Gatewood of GEARS.com in a world record speed attempt at Bonneville later this year. Riders also traveled in from Michigan, Indiana, and Canada.
The National long track format consisted of three rounds of point gathering heats, two last chance qualifiers, two semi finals and an "A, B and C" Main.
Top three finishers of the heats were:
Round 1
Heat 1 - 1st) #5 Rob Dixon 2nd) #30 Daniel Weicht 3rd) #37 GaryHesmer
Heat 2 - 1st) #31 Jeff Orosz 2nd) #52j Chad Rall 3rd) #82x Steve Glasgow
Heat 3 - 1st) #4 Brian Daily 2nd) #52c Dan Crawford 3rd) #18 ChrisThomas
Round 2
Heat 4 - 1st) #82 Chris Hathaway 2nd) #33e Mike Callen 3rd) #45 Tim Murray
Heat 5 - 1st) #127 Peter Pederson 2nd) #18 Chris Thomas 3rd) #82x Steve Glasgow
Heat 6 - 1st) #31 Jeff Orosz 2nd) #5 Rob Dixon 3rd) #52j Chad Rall
Round 3
Heat 7 - 1st) #9 Marc Monroe 2nd) #52 Ronny Rall 3rd) #43 Phil Mosquera
Heat 8 - 1st) #82x Steve Glasgow 2nd) #30 Daniel Weicht 3rd) #26 Dave Weicht
Heat 9 - 1st) #31 Jeff Orosz 2nd) #5 Rob Dixon 3rd) #127 Peter Pederson
A horrific crash in heat six involving Brian Daily, Gary "The Hit Man" Hesmer, and Dan Crawford retired these riders for the day.
The heat race points were tabulated transferring the top six riders into two Semi Finals leaving six positions open for the top three finishers from each the Last Chance Qualifiers.
Mike Callen won his Last Chance Qualifier with Doug Horner in second. Dave Weicht put in a good effort to maintain third for the final transfer spot to the Semi Finals.
In Semi Final #1 Jeff Orosz took the lead with Chris Thomas in second and Dan Weicht third. Orosz won wire to wire with Thomas and Weicht second and third respectively.
In Semi Final #2 Rob Dixon took the lead with Chad Rall in second and Steve Glasgow third. Dixon won from start to finish with Rall second and Weicht wrapping up the final transfer position.
Chris Hathaway made the gate in the C Main and led the entire race with Jon Massie finishing second and Tim Murray from Niagara Falls third.
"AMA Hall of Fame rider" Ronny Rall came from behind and one by one used
the outside line to pass Marc Monroe, Mike Callen, and then Dave Weicht to win the B Main in spectacular fashion.
In the A Main, Jeff Orosz made a great start and took the early advantagewith Rob Dixon second and Chad Rall third. On lap 2 Rall made his move to take the second position, moving Dixon to third.
Mark your calendar for July 18th 2008 to see the Ohio Speedway Long Track Championship combined with a great night of Antique Motorcycle racing at the 26th annual AMCA National meet at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon, Ohio.
Visit www.bikedays.com for current information.
AMA/USA Speedway Long Track National Championship
Results of May 24, 2008
1. Jeff Orosz #31, Caistorville, ON Canada
2. Chad Rall #52J, Engadine, MI
3. Rob Dixon #5, Bowmanville, ON Canada
4. Chris Thomas #18, Mansfield, OH
5. Daniel Weicht #30, North Webster, IN
6. Steve Glasgow #82x Redford, MI
1. Ronny Rall #52, Engadine, MI
2. Dave Weicht #26, Pierceton, IN
3. Mike Callen #33e, Galesburg, MI
4. Marc Monroe #9, Tallmadge, OH
5. Peter Pederson #127, Belle Fourche, SD
6. Doug Horner #53, Gates Mills, OH
1. Chris Hathaway #82, Syracuse, IN
2. Jon Massie #77, Wooster, OH
3. Tim Murray #45, Niagara Falls, ON Canada
4. Phil Mosquera, Westland, MI
5. Kevin Sexton #60F, Elyria, OH
6. Rob Mosquera #35, Garden City, MI
#1 Jeff Orosz - 2008 Long Track Champion
Jeff Orosz on route to his second AMA/USA Speedway Long Track National Championship during Bike Days in Canton, Ohio May 24th Memorial weekend. |
Podium 2008 Longtrack Championship
The National Champion Jeff Orosz celebrates with runner up Chad Rall, and third place finisher Rob Dixon after the AMA/USA Speedway LongTrack National Championship in Canton, Ohio. |
Saturday May 31, 2008
Congratulations are in order for former Ice and Speedway Ace Scotty Brown and his Bike Days promotion of the 2008 AMA/USA Speedway Long Track National Championship race. "Last year it rained and I lost my shirt but this year I lucked out and we had wonderful weather both days Scotty told me. "It was a great, lots of riders, lots of sponsors, lots of spectators. After five years of promoting this Long Track event it is really starting to take off. Anyone who doesn't think we run competitive tight exciting speedway racing in Ohio has never come here for this annual Memorial Weekend extravaganza."
He must be right because over 3500 people came and watched the two day Bike Days event that was held at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton Ohio including our own USA Speedway Board member Ken Saillant who drove in from AMA headquarters in Pickerington Ohio.
For the second year in a row Canadian Speedway racer #31 Jeff Orosz took home the AMA #1 plate. "I love to come down for this race, there's nothing like riding a 1/2 mile especially when the tracks as well prepared as this one was. I can't wait till next year so I can do it again and make it three in a row."
An 18 rider field made up of riders from Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana and Canada competed for the $3,000.00 Speedway Motorcycle purse.
Scotty's next race will be the Ohio State Championship in Wauseon Ohio on July 18. This race is held in conjunction with the Antique Motorcycle Club of America National and Swap meet. I've been to this particular event with my good friend Walter Curro from Supercycles in New York. It is special and I would highly recommend it to all who love Speedway, Class C and early vintage motorcycles. And by early I mean 1905 and up machines. Like I said, it's very special.
For more information go to our usaspeedway.org website and click on Speedway Links and then on Bike Days.
Harald "Howie' Zechner
Chairman of the Board
USA Speedway
Opener Postponed at Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway
Our number one rule when we decided to build Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway was that we would have the best track in the Midwest, if not the country. We refused to compromise on that rule from the start of this project and will not do so now.
With that said, we are going to have to postpone the May 31st event. We knew we would be close to completing the track on time, but the last rounds or rain on May 23rd were simply too much. We will be ready for the June 7th event, and hope to get practice started as soon as possible.
Please feel free to check www.midamspeedway.com as updates will be posted as they are available.
Again we apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see everybody on June 7th.
Jim Terchila Eddie Kelly - info@midamspeedway.com
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway Update
Thursday, 15 May 2008
We wanted to drop everybody a quick note regarding the practice sessions at Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway, and to thank everyone for the tremendous response that we have received so far.
Our plans were, and still are to build the best track in the Midwest. Unfortunately the weather has not cooperated with us as far as allowing us to complete the track construction on time. We could have thrown in the towel and quickly carved out a track, and brought people out to ride on a rough, rocky, single line track. Instead we have decided to stick to our original plan which is to build a smooth, fast, multi-line track. While this has cost us some practice time, we feel that everybody is much better off if we stick to our original plan. We hope everybody appreciates this and understands our reasoning.
This is also a good time to remind everybody of some of the rules that will be enforced at Mid-America. We spent a lot of time securing the Marion County Fairgrounds and as long as a few rules are followed, there is no reason that we will not be here for many years
1. There is a 105 decibel limit for all motorcycles and quads at all practices and races.
2. No alcohol is allowed on the premises. Anybody that is found to be in possession of alcohol will be asked to leave. This is a policy of the fair board, and we must enforce it as part of the lease agreement.
3. No knobby tires will be permitted on the rear wheel of any motorcycle.
4. Quads cannot have knobby tires on the front or rear.
5. In the event of any disputes, the referee's decision is final. We have hired a very competent and experienced referee who has refereed at AMA Pro Racing events, the AMA Amateur Grand Nationals, the AMA Winter Nationals and numerous speedway events with the XIIR and at Valparaiso Speedway.
6. AMA or ATVA memberships are required to race.
We encourage everybody to have the annual release form filled out and sent to AMA headquarters. This will save valuable time at signup. The adult and minor release forms links are below. Also, please continue to watch the practice link on the website as once we have completed track construction we will update the site.
Thank you from the staff of Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway.Jim Terchila info@midamspeedway.com
AMA Adult Annual Release AMA Minor Annual Release
The 2008 Long Track Information is here!
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway in Indianapolis
Construction has be begun
Saturday April 26, 2008
We finally had a few nice days in central Indiana and were able to get to work on the new track surface atMid-America Motorcycle Speedway at the Marion County Fairgrounds, in Indianapolis, IN. The track is a quarter mile on the top with 50' wide straights, and 80' wide corners. The contractor has started grading, and the first of 130 loads of limestone will start arriving April 29th. We have tentatively planned our first practice for Sunday May 11th. Practice will be $15 per person, and we are offering a parent/child package for $25, with each additional child costing $10.
If you are not on our mailing list and would like to receive updates, please drop us a note at info@midamspeedway.com
Jim Terchila jimterchila@yahoo.com
Hello from Indiana
Friday April 25, 2008
Hi All,
Just a quick note to wish the best to all with the 2008 Speedway
season. Our Valpo Speedway Action program is not running this year as
a result of a situation with the fair board. However, we hope to be
back with a full program in 2009.
In any case, I know the guys in Indianapolis are working very hard on
their new track at the Marion County Fairgrounds.
So Speedway is far from dead in Indiana.
I can't help but be a bit jealous when I read of all the awesome new
things happening in California Speedway.
Last weekend I mowed our grass for the first time, and put a few
drops of Blendzall in the gas; just so I could ride around and dream
of being at the track. My wife even came outside and said how much
she liked the smell
Again, best of luck of everyone, and thanks for keeping the greatest
two wheeled sport going and growing.
See Ya Soon
Drew Gatewood
2008 Speedway Long Track National Championships
The 2008 Speedway Long Track National Championships will be held again this year on May 24 & 25 at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton Ohio.
This is a half mile track and the promoter is former Dirt and Ice Speedway star Scotty Brown. It pays a $3000. purse.
The Speedway Long Track National Championships is a sanctioned AMA/USA Speedway event and the winner will receive the AMA # 1 plate at the end of the year and be honored at the AMA Awards Ceremony in Las Vegas and our USA Speedway Barbeque/Awards Ceremony.
For you California riders looking to add a very prestigious title to your resume this event is well worth considering.
For more information go to the usaspeedway.org website, click on Speedway Links and then click on the Bike Days poster. Once it opens click on Speedway.
If you haven't yet received your USA Speedway membership application it is available on our website. Click on Join USA Speedway and then on 2008 Membership application.
Harald "Howie" Zechner
Chairman of the Board
USA Speedway
The 2008 Valparaiso Speedway Season has been canceled.