Rob Dixon
Rider Number: 5
Hometown: Bowmanville, Ontario - Canada
Place of Birth: Oshawa, Ontario - Canada
Birthdate: July 28, 1965
Married - Norma
Children: Son - Andrew
Relatives in Speedway:
Web Site or Facebook Page:
Date Started Speedway: 1998
Reason to Race Speedway:
Goals or Ambitions for Speedway:
Best Memory: Winning the Division 2 title at Welland and placing 9th in Division 1 Championship at Welland.
Worst Memory: Paris - Hitting the fence while laying the bike down.
Note: Rob Dixon has a natural talent for speed related sports. Having become a dominating figure in Canadian Speed Boat Racing, he very easily moved over to speedway bikes and found a niche for himself. He is very smooth, composed and a pure gentlemen of the track. Rob has performed some of the best on track sportsman like conduct in Canada over his short time aboard these beasts. He is quick, smooth and very enjoyable to watch. His love for the longer tracks and his passion for having highly competitively tuned machinery, makes a superb blend for some great racing wherever he rides. His wife Norma, is the solid rock behind his competitiveness and his passion to compete and perform to his high level of skill.
Bike: Jawa's 2000, 2003, 2004 - 888, 889, 889
Tracks Ridden:
Canada: Paris Speedway - Niagara Speedway -
Leamington, Belleville - Barrie, Wheatley - Quebec Ice Races
2009 - AMA/USA Speedway Long Track National Championships May 23
2008 - AMA/USA Speedway Long Track National Championships May 24
