Club Moto Speedway
Livermore, California

Track photo by Steve Carrillo
A brand new Speedway Motorcycle Race Track has opened at Club
Moto in Livermore, with racing every Saturday night.
See the Official web site at: Club Moto in Livermore.
This is great news for those Speedway fans who used to come every week
to Baylands, Napa and Vallejo.
We have 3 full divisions of Speedway racing plus Junior Speedway.
Come and learn to ride at one of our practice sessions from 5pm to 9pm on
Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 10am to 2pm on Sundays.
The track is
situated at Club Moto, just north of the 580 freeway east of the
Greenfield exit.
Take the Altamont Pass / Greenville Road exit off the 580, just east of Livermore and we are
on the north side of the freeway.
Come along, bring your friends!
This is a brand new track. Some refinements are still under construction, so until our bench
seats are completed, its lawn seating, so feel free to bring a portable chair for your comfort.
Contact Jesse at 925 248 6605.
See the Livermore Photo Page for more shots of the first race night at the track!
1998 Race Schedule
August 15 - Opening Night
August 22
August 29
September 5
September 12
September 21
October 10
"This track is a quite unique among American Speedway tracks in that its
not located in a County Fairgrounds. This has significant advantages.
For one, it does not have to
pay an enormous rent every week (usually of the order of $1500 per
week), which so often in the past has been the single item that has
crippled so many tracks. Secondly, any profit from the concession stands
goes to the promoter, not the fairgrounds. Also, a big plus is that they
don't have a curfew by which time they have to finish racing. All this
adds up to an extremely hopeful Speedway opportunity for Northern
California. They offer practice sessions on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from 5-9 and on Sundays from 10 till 2. It is situated
reasonably close to the large San Francisco Bay population, so there is
the potential to re-build the big Speedway movement that existed in this
area back in the eighties. I heard no complaints from the riders
about the track. Its surface was fairly loose, with plenty of dirt.
There were a number of very close races with plenty of overtaking."
- Gary Roberts