2007 Batavia Motor Speedway
Polarwave Snow Park Harloff Road
Batavia, New York
2007 SCHEDULE (Tentative)
May 11 East Coast Spring Classic
May 18
May 25
June 1
June 8
June 15
June 22
June 29 New York State Championship *Special Event*
July 12 (Thursday) U.S. Open Championship - Round 1 *Special Event*
July 20
July 27
August 3
August 10 Stormin Norman Robinson Night
August 17
August 24
August 31 NO RACING
September 7
September 16(Sunday)Go-Kart Championship/Extreme Kart Tour (Bikes and ATV's may run before or after)
*We may continue on into the Fall, but the dates may change to Sunday afternoons possibly, stay tuned.
Directions: NYS Thruway, Batavia Exit. Head West on Route 5. Right on Kelsy Road, left on Harloff Road. (Harloff Road parallels NYS Thruway.) Track located at Polarwave Snow Park on Harloff Road
Ticket Prices: $10 adults, $3.00 ages 7 - 12, kids under6 free. ** Indicates Special event prices.
Parking and Programs FREE!
Mailing Address: 2152 Edgemere Drive, Rochester, NY 14612
Information: (607) 687-7819 or (585) 723-9746
Email: Eastern Speedway Promotions easternspeedwayprom@hotmail.com
Website: www.jbrspeedway.com
Track Sponsors

Cervini Cycles
MAY 9, 2006
Many people have been asking for our schedule of events for 2006. Unfortunately, we are still waiting on the development of several projects that may slightly change our plans so it is not possible at this time to release a final schedule. We do realize though that the season is fast approaching and that riders and fans need to start making their summer plan so we wanted to put out a listing of some sort today to help people get an idea of what will be happening. The following should not change a whole lot but may be altered slightly and the final version will include more titled events and promotions.
On a side note, we are nearing completion of a banked quarter mile clay oval and TT track at the property to compliment the eighth mile oval and youth TT track. One quad event has already been staged on the larger new track and attracted 63 Quad entries at last minute. A full program of quad oval and TT racing along with flat-track, motorcycle TT, micro sprints, go-karts, cars, trucks, quad and snowmobile drags will take place at BMS from May till November on Saturdays and/or Sundays at the back track.
The eighth-mile Speedway oval and youth TT track is planning to open May19th with The East Coast Spring Classic. The Speedway Division One riders will be competing for The Patrick Ahlund Trophy. The smaller oval will continue its program on Friday evenings for 2006 and will keep its doors open to youth classes, Speedway Motorcycles, Quads and short-track. Admission prices will remain $10.00 for adults for all regular events and $3.00 for kids age 6-12.
There will NOT be any AMA-Sanctioned events on the grounds of BMS for the 2006 year. BMS will have its own rider licensing.
BMS is happy to announce that it now has a new website...www.bataviamotorspeedway.com and that will be updated within a week or so. If anyone goes to the site now please keep in mind that someone who is not a Motorsports person has put up a bit a brief info as a starter. Corrections and updates and a much more detailed listing will be done soon.
A revised back track schedule will be out in the near future but here is a the tentative Friday night eight mile oval schedule...
May 19 East Coast Spring Classic/Patrick Ahlund Memorial Trophy
**As of now-NO Racing May 26 Holiday Weekend**
June 2 Regular Season Summer Opener
June 9 Hank Bassett Cup Championship
June 16
June 23 Omar Lightner Cup Championship
June 30 New York State Speedway, Quad and Short-track Championship
July 7 Storman Norman Robinson Cup / Robinson Cycle Sales Tribute
July 14 US vs Canada -The Team Racing War!
July 21 Open Date for US Open Championship Rd
July 28 Confirmed date for US Open Championship
July 29 Possible U.S. Open Round
August 4 Tentative
August 11 Tentative
August 18 Tentative
August 25 Tentative
**Season may continue into the month of September**
2005 Schedule
Friday July 15 Season Opener ** Freestyle Jumpers Night
Friday July 22
Friday July 29
Friday August 5
Friday August 12
Friday August 19
Friday August 26 ** U.S. Open Speedway Championship Round 1
Friday August 26 ** U.S. Open Speedway Championship Round 4
Check out more New York Speedway at Champion Speedway and Action Park