Mikaela Broad
Rider Number: 917
Current Hometown: - USA
Place of Birth: - USA
Date of Birth:
Occupation: Student
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Relatives in Speedway:
Web Site or Facebook Page:
Date Started Speedway: 2014
Reason to Race Speedway:
Goals or Ambitions for Speedway:
Photos by: RC Jones
Bike: Yamaha 50
Tracks Ridden:
USA: Pirate Speedway, San Bernardino - Industry Racing
2016 - Gumball Rally - Industry 02/21/16
2014 - Pee Wee Second Division Main - Pirate Speedway 06/20/14, 06/27/14, 07/11/14, 07/25/14, 09/26/14

Gumball Rally - Industry 02/21/16