A little help from:
Elliott Long Racing
Speedway Motorcycles and Accessories
1420 SW 19th Ct
Gresham, Oregon 97080
(503) 666-2342
(208) 769-2005
Victorino's Auto
Bud Distributor in Salmon Idaho
Trevor Reynolds
Nickname: "Mr Clean"
Rider Number: 12
Hometown: Coeur D'Alene, Idaho - USA
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth: 1/5/69 (28)
Occupation: Telecommunications Engineer/ Speedway Dealer
Marital Status: Single
Relatives in Speedway:
E-mail: Trevor.Reynolds@premisys.com
Web Site or Facebook Page:
Years riding Speedway: 2
Reason to Race Speedway:
Goals or Ambitions for Speedway:
Photo by:
"Speedway is really taking off here in Idaho and Montana. We have outdoor ice racing all winter, any one that would like to come
race up here should e-mail me. We are up to 15 riders and growing monthly. I have sold 3 new laydowns in the past year.
I am also a Speedway Dealer for Elliott Long Racing."
Bike: Jawa 884.5, 1998 Laydown, Weslake
Tracks Ridden:
USA: Northwest Speedway - Spokane ORV - Seeley Lake Ice - Plains Montana Fairgrounds -
Rainier WA -Salmon ID -Como Lake MT -Lake Fernan, Coeur d'Alene, ID - Biloxi Mississippi (ICE)
President of the ISRA
1999 - Rode in the 1999 Indoor ICE World Cup Series
1999 - 2nd Place Overall Ice Racing - Seeley Lake, Montana 01/10/1999
1999 - 2nd Place Division One - Salmon Idaho Race 05/8/1999
1999 - 3rd Place Division One - Westplains Speedway, Spokane 05/14/1999
1998 - Division 1 Main Winner - Plains, Spokane, and Seely Lake
1997 - Northwest Speedway Points Championship:
1998 - WSRA ICE Speedway World Championship Series - Biloxi Mississippi Nov 28 - Photos Here
1998 - WSRA ICE Speedway World Championship Series - Biloxi Mississippi Nov 27 - Photos Here
1997 - Northwest Speedway Points (9th at the end of the 1997 season)
1997 - 6th mid-season (August 1, '97)
