Sideways Saturdays Speedway Cal Expo Sacramento, California
Bob Peters Memorial Race
Sideways Saturdays Speedway
Cal Expo - Sacramento, CA
Saturday June 12, 1999
I am Bob Peters wife, and want to thank all of the riders for their
help and thoughtfulness in the memorial race for Bob at Cal Expo. Through
this last six months. I have not had much of a chance to really sit still for a
minute and go through the so called "normal" grieving process. This last 6
months has been Hell, in all ways shapes and forms. But last nite was
wonderful. My family had a great time, and we will definitely be coming
back. I just wanted to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for your
support and love for Bobby and our family. I only hope to be so fortunate to
when I die to have as many people care about me like they did him. Thank
You again Dane, and everyone from Sideways Saturdays.
With Much Love, Vicky.
Saturday evening Sideways Saturdays held a Bob Peters Memorial Event. Bob Peters was a third division
Speedway rider who lost his life last December, while performing the duties of his day job, as a taxi driver. He
was murdered by one of his clients. Bob was a popular rider, with both the crowd and his fellow riders.
Before the event, all the riders, mechanics, officials, press, etc came out onto the center green. Mike Rooney,
the announcer, gave a very elegant speech about Bob and the event. A lady singer sang Amazing Grace. Half
way through, the sound system blew a fuse, but it did not stop the lady completing the song. In respect of Bob,
there was a minute of silence before she went on to sing the National Anthem, again with no sound system.
American Speedway tracks are smaller than European tracks, but I was astounded that everyone in the stadium
heard her. Maybe it was the power and quality of the lady's voice maybe it was the intensity of the occasion.
Another difference between American and European Speedway tracks is the fact that American tracks are used
for other functions. This track has been used for a horse riding event, I would imagine, by the smell, quite
recently. When I arrived a couple of hours before the races the track was still being re-graded. The end result
was less than perfect. It was bumpy, dusty and kept changing shape with the pole being moved out to avoid
some deep holes.
Nevertheless, there were some good races. It is quite extraordinary how American riders will ride, then
disappear for a year or so, then reappear with the same riding abilities, as if they had never been gone. Dave
Faria did not ride last year, but reappeared at the start of this season and was just as fast as before. This week Harlan Bast Junior, (Bart's brother) reappeared and won the Handicap Main and the Scratch Consolation. Steve Martynse also made a comeback after not riding last year.
Unofficial results:
Scratch Main
1. Bobby Hedden
2. Billy Janniro
3. Chad Felicio
4. Dave Faria
The first 2 or 3 laps Bobby and Billy rode side by side, until Billy hit a hole in the track, which slowed him.
Scratch Consi
1. Harlan Bast Junior
2. Bob Hicks
3. Ian Ferris
4. Rick Shafer
Handicap Main
1. Harlan Bast Junior
2. Billy Janniro
3. Ian Ferris
4. Robert Curry
5. Dave Faria
6. Bob Hicks
Handicap Consi
1. Bobby Hedden
2. Chad Felicio
3. Pat Linn
4. Scott Olney
5. Steve Martynse
6. Rick Shafer
Division 2 Main
1. Tom Adams
2. Matt Browne
3. Shawn Eldridge
4. Harlan Bast
5. Steve Arena
6. Mike Browne
Division 2 Consi
1. Richard Powell
2. Jay Heidt
3. Rachalle Kerr
4. Bill Thomas
5. Derek Silva
Division 3 Main
1. Ivan Sevart
2. Don Webster
3. Mark Woodward
4. Kevin Fereira
5. Vince Bertolucci
6. Geno Bellino
7. Brian Leventon
8. Ron Woodsford
Division 3 Consi
1. Robert Mellor
2. Greg Hooten Snr.
3. Bill Dixon
4. Bill Warnock
5. Mark Thomas
Also in the race were Craig Boone, Rich Mignano, Tom Castagnola
Popular 3rd division rider, Don Chipman, who had been attending the John Cook Speedway Academy during
the day, took a tumble in his heat. He was taken to hospital with a suspected broken collar bone.
Division 1 Juniors
1. Jon Curry
2. Chris Kerr
3. Bryan Yarrow
4. Eric Carrillo
5. AJ Jones
Division 2 Juniors
1. Greg Hooten Jnr.
2. Brenton Bast
3. JT Mabry
Division 3 Juniors
1. Mark Carrillo
2. Chris Smith
3. Danny Easley
4. Amanda English
5. Chris Olney
6. Paul Johnson
The crowd was still small. The promoter has advertised on radio stations, a TV station and given away a lot of
free tickets. The people of Sacramento are missing a great evening out.
Gary Roberts - gary_rob@ix.netcom.com
