Industry Hills Speedway
The Grand Arena
Industry Hills Expo Center
City of Industry, California
Legends and Hero’s Night at Industry Hills Speedway - July 1, 2023 by Howie Zechner
Being older than dirt I’ve been to my fair share of Speedway Legends events. Some were so-so and others excellent but none were ever as well attend or organized as the one held this year at Industry Racing.
Lots of phone calls and planning really paid off. Unless ill or dealing with distance issues everyone we contacted said yes, count me in. Fact is they were as excited about attending as we were about the promotion.
Kelly Inman went over the top by making specially designed “Legends and Hero” plaques for all who participated. Nice artwork and mounted on custom wood backing they will be a keeper that all will cherish and display. All participants who confirmed prior to its printing had their picture in the program. They and the others not listed in the program were introduced by track announcer Terry Clanton. Those that chose to do so were interviewed.
A special Legends and Hero’s area with 20 tables and 50 chairs was set up in the courtyard. Plenty, no way. Each seat was taken and every table was filled. It’s a little difficult to give an accurate number count of those there as many never filled out any paperwork but I can confirm 32 were preregistered. A partial list includes, Barry Briggs, Bill Cody, Billy Gray, Bobbi Hunter, Bobby Schwartz, Bryce Eikelberger, Dean York, Denny Scopellite, Doug Nicol, Dubb Ferrell, Ernie Aragon, Gene “The Dancing Machine”, Greg Hancock, Jan Ballard, Keith Chrisco, Margo King, Mike Lupo (thanks for the wonderful Maely bike display Mike), Mike Reed, Pam Bennett, Pat “Hollywood” Hawley, Randy Blevins, Rick Miller, Rob Morrison, Ron Preston, Ryan Evans, Sammy Tanner, Steve Lucero, Terry Clanton, and Tommy Burba. My apologies to those I forgot to mention but as Bob Cratchit said to Scrooge, "It shall not be repeated. I was making rather merry sir."
So how did it all go, did those in attendance like it. Well to say they loved it would not be an exaggeration. Crowded beyond belief at one point there was a long line as all waited patiently to say hello, have their picture taken and get an autograph. Well prepared some brought books, magazines, helmets, photos and other memorabilia to be signed.
Were there any issues? Only minor ones. The most serious was when Barry Briggs got run over by an exuberant fan in her wheelchair. No worries it was a minor incident and did nothing to impact the four time World Individual Speedway Champion’s evening.
The other was our own time frame. On paper Industry had allotted the meet and greet to run between 6:45 and 7:30pm. Well wham bam thank you ma'am we should have doubled that time. Fact is that when the racing started at 7:30 the Legends area was still going full tilt. Not only with the general public but racers who had formed their own small groups and were bench racing yesterday with glee and remembrance. Once in this time bubble it was hard to get out. I personally missed half the nights racing cause they were running event 18 by the time I entered the Thunderbowl.
So there ya go. Another night with more twists and turns than when Alice fell through the rabbit hole. You that come know. You that don’t need to cause its only then that you’ll find Wonderland is to come and experience it first-hand.
See all 100 pictures from the July 1, 2023, Legends and Hero’s Night - July 1, 2023 on Facebook
Our next race at Industry will be the Bruce Flanders, Ugly Hawaiian Shirt night on Wednesday, July 12. Hope to see you then.
Thanks for Listening, See you where the wheels go round.
Howie Zechner
Press Officer. Industry Racing
Howie Zechner Photos |
Barry Briggs, Kelly Inman, Greg Hancock |
Gene the Dancing Machine, Terry Clanton, Billy Grey |
Pam Bennett, Industry Crew, Howie Zechner |
Ron Davis, Pam Bennett and Speedway Super Fan Kayla |