Industry Racing The Grand Industry Hills Expo Center City of Industry, California
California State Championship
August 29, 2012 - Industry Racing
By: Howie - RAZ Video -
Photos by Albert Wong
News & Views - A blink of an eye. The 2012 California State Speedway Championship

I couldn't believe it was here. The last event in our 2012 “Lucky 13” race series. What, How, When? It just couldn't be. Had 14 weeks really gone by since our opening night May 30th?
Walking through the pits riders were getting battle gear ready for the nights competition. “I’m here for the money”
current National and California State Speedway Champion #1 Billy Janniro told me. “I think it’s my night” yelled 2012
Ice National Champion Charlie Venegas. Don’t listen to any of them its my race last years points winner “lil Animal” Jimmy Fishback responded. Faria, Hedden, Burmeister, Castro, Schwartz. McConnell. The newly crowned Under 21 National Champion Gino Manzares, the rest of the field. Each wanted that giant silver cup to have their name engraved on it.

Still early I walked the 1/8 mile dirt track. The days and weeks before had been record breaking heat and dirt's a funny beast to
tame so I was concerned. The track however was perfect and would stay that way all night. Good job Jose Salazar. You only
missed the setup two or three times all season. You sir are a track “Grand Master” to the highest degree.
Standing in the infield I couldn't help but reflect back on the pre season when this new promotion called Industry Racing
started. It had nothing. The gate, wall, safety lights, flags, everything had to be purchased or made. A job well
done. Industry Racing has made the 4500 seat Grand Arena the most modern - high teck Speedway Motorcycle facility in the country.
When they say “its the Wednesday Night Fun - Race Place” they do not lie.
Audio Video was doing the usual last minute drill. All the cameras up? How about the dozen or so HD monitors that
show the racing and replays? Is there a picture on the ones in the bars, the food courts, the outside patio area? How about
that giant one in the middle of turns three and four or the ones in the pits? No worries Horacio Colmenares and crew. You guys
did well this year. A three camera production all 13 weeks of this first season are available for purchase/viewing at
Reality slapped as I was needed at the front gate. Where can we put this new KIA that Allstar wants to display. What about that Monster Energy car, or the Haddick’s table and car? Is the sidecar display in the right place? What about the booth for those Flatrack guys that are holding their big AMA 1/2 mile race at the Pomona Fairplex October 13th. Dam what did I do with that diagram Carol gave me. Well all is well that ends well. The spacious patio area had plenty of room for them, several food vendors, the Tike Bar and lots more. Hey lets put those old belt drive Excelsior and Flanders motorcycles here next to the Industry Racing and souvenir booths.

It was crazy busy and It didn't stop. Carol, Kelly, Ryan, Madeline, Rosa, The whole Industry Racing crew was working. There's a guy here from the local newspaper who wants to talk with you. Where are the free Industry Racing pins the first 250 spectators get. The pit gate needs more race programs. These photographers want media credentials can you help them? We were running hard but I was loving it. This could be one of the best days of my Speedway life.

Everything started settling in. This event and venue were ready. It’s 5:30pm so lets make it happen. “The Journey Experience” band started playing. It was Showtime.
The line of spectators at the front gate was the longest I have ever seen here at The Grand Arena and those 250 free souvenir pins we handed out were soon gone. No let-up in sight the free full color 20 page programs were the next to go. Wow! Who knew? Never thought we would get this many people.

The Arena turned into a moving mass of energy. Crowded with people doing what people do. A happing of the most excellent type taking shape before my eyes. Could this night get any better. It could and did.

Sponsors, friends, people I didn't know came up and complemented us for the event and what this new Wednesday Night program has turned into. Dignitaries like JC Agajanian, Ed Justice Jr., Bob Laidlaw, the Oxley's to name a few did the same. I was overwhelmed.

With over 3000 people filling the grandstands a 7:30 riders parade led to the national anthem and racing. Announcer Bruce Flanders was hot.
Now how can one describe racing that takes place on a 185 pound 500cc brakeless motorcycle with the best riders in the United States? Awesome? Wild? Unbelievable? Sure but your only scratching the surface. The California State was all of those and more.

It was 2.5 hours before the race action stopped. Billy Janniro had won the tile again. This is his Third California State. He deserved it. Janniro’s racing was spectacular and he only dropped one point the entire night to Charlie Venegas in Heat 14.

“I knew I was going to win when “Charlie Venegas picked gate one in the main” Billy told me. “Charlie had four when he beat me in heat 14” and should have taken it again. “Gate four was positively the quicker starting position”. Finishing order: #1 Billy Janniro, #43 Charlie Venegas, #25 Jimmy Fishback, #26 Tyson Burmeister.

Braydan Galvin won the Youth 200cc California State title. Riding since age four Braydan if the son of a Speedway dynasty where both granddad Dave and father Bryan raced D-1. Braydan won his first California Pee Wee Championship at age six. Many more wins came Brayda’s way till he stopped Speedway to go car racing. He would be away from the sport for four years.

“It was July of 2011” Granddad Dave told me. Braydan wanted to try speedway again but we had no bike so his dad and I took him to the Billy Hamill Speedway Academy. The 1996 World Speedway Champion supplies the bike, track and instructs. For any kid who ever thought about riding Speedway this is the way to do it. You can check out the Billy Hamill Speedway Academy on facebook at
Since his return Braydan’s been winning steadily. He is one of the bright lights in the Junior racing program. Finishing order: #45 Braydan Galvin, #214 Michael Wells, #34 Maverick Molloy, #4 Courtney Crone.

The Youth 250cc Championship winner was Dillon Ruml. Nicknamed “Poison” the Huntington Beach California youngsters 1st ever Speedway race was in 2008. By 2009 he was winning mains. Between 2011 and 2012 Dillon has won 12 main events. Dillon is another one of those bright lights in the Junior racing program. Finishing order: #111 Dillon Ruml, 98 Broc Nicol, #308 Max Ruml, #0 Hayley Perrault, #222 Dalton Leedy.

The Industry Invitational was won by Geoff Herkner. Starting Speedway racing in 2001 by 2002 he won the Arrowhead D-2 B Track Championship. “My dad raced Speedway it in the 1970's” so naturally I wanted to the 2nd generation Geoff related. A solid D-2 rider Geoff races for the best reason in the world. He loves Speedway. Finishing order: #208 Geoff Herkner, #182 Rudy Laurer, #177 Steve Bowen, #185 Kayle LeoGrande.

A blink of an eye and the racing was done. Fans rushed the infield as trophy presentation took place against a huge new Industry Racing backdrop. Photographs and interviews finished, a full bar in the riders pit area led to still more hours of camaraderie and bench racing. What’s that you ask? How much camaraderie? Well lets just say that when I left a 1am it was still going strong.
Carol Perez and the new Industry Racing staff my congratulations on a job well done. Working with you all and turning this Speedway venue into the success it is has been this season is the utmost in satisfaction. I look forward working with you all when the 2013 season starts on May 29th.
Also special thanks to Albert Wong for those amazing race pictures in this story.
Love you all. See you at Speedway.
Howie Zechner
