George Lazor
Nickname: "Lazorbeam"
Rider Number: 51
Current Hometown: Rochester, New York - USA
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth: September 18, 1958
Occupation: Saturn Service Manager
Wife: Chris
Children: Nick and Noelle
Relatives in Speedway:
E-mail: lazorgcnn@peoplepc.com
Web Site or Facebook Page:
Date Started Speedway:
Reason to Race Speedway: 1976
Goals or Ambitions for Speedway:
Photos by: Bob Howland and Scott Daloisio
Bike: Jawa and GM
Tracks Ridden:
USA: Costa Mesa - Action Park - Champion Speedway - Paris - Ventura -
Ascot - Empire Speedway - Genesee County Speedway - San Bernardino (IMS) - Victory Speedway - Welland, several tracks in New Zealand, many hockey rinks in North America
2007 - New York State Champion
2006 - Summer Season Opener Champion at Batavia Motor Speedway, Hank Bassett Cup Champion, US Open 3rd Overall
2001 - Race Tools Night Scratch Champion, Invited to Represent the East Coast, along with Gene Bonsignore, in the US National Championship at Costa Mesa, CA
1999 - Qualified for US Open A Final 5th Overall
1998 - US Team Captain for US vs Canada, Sportsmanship and Dedication to Speedway Award Winner
1997 - Race Tools Dash for Cash Champion at Champion Speedway
1994 - Paris, Ontario Fair Champion
1989 - West Coast ICE Champion at Sacramento, CA
1988 - US National ICE Champion
1987 - Was a member of the US Team in New Zealand with the Ivan Mauger Tour
1986 - Golden State ICE Champion at Fresno, CA, Bob Hetrick Sportsmanship Award Winner, New York State Champion, US Open 3rd Overall
1985 - Action Park Spring Classic Champion, PEPSI Summer Quencher at Action Park Champion
1984 - Baton Rouge ICE Event Champion
1983 - Houston ICE Event Champion, Represented the East in the US Best Pairs Championship in Ventura, CA
1982 - East Coast Qualifier Champion for US National Qualifier Series, Casey's/Hamburg Track Champion, Champion Speedway Track Champion
1980 - East Coast Points Champion
1978 - Most Improved Rider Award Winner

2004 George Lazor

The "Lazor Beam," George Lazor at the Speedway on Ice race in Tucson, Arizona in March of 1983.
Scott Daloisio Photo