Poorman's Trucking
Southern Tier Harley
Boom Audio
Wild Creations
Robbins Signs
Cam Rafferty
Rider Number: 427
Hometown: Binghamton, New York - USA
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth: April 15, 1984
Occupation: Student
Marital Status: Single
Relatives in Speedway:
E-mail: speedway427@yahoo.com
Web Site or Facebook Page:
Date Started Speedway: 1998
Reason to Race Speedway:
Goals or Ambitions for Speedway:
"The Kid" raced flat track since he was 6 years old, taking 3 Track Youth Championships at Square Deal Riders, and 2 District 3 Youth Championships. He also place top 5 the last 2 years at Mud and Snow Scrambles. He also raced Daytona Short Track in 1998."
'The Kid' is obviously going some place. He has a brand new Laydown this year and apparently is being coached by Warren Diem.
I am a huge "Cam fan!" - Randy Johnson
Photo by:
Tracks Ridden:
USA: Champion Speedway, Owego NY
Canada: Niagara Raceway - Paris Speedway - Eagle's Nest Raceway
2014 - 3rd Place Fall Brawl - Champion Speedway 10/12/14
1999 - 1st Place Handicap Champion Speedway 06/19/99
1999 - 2nd Place Main Event Champion Speedway 06/26/99
1998 - East Coast Support 'A' Champion
1998 - East Coast "Rookie of the Year"
