Zbigniew Waczynski
Nickname: "Biff"
Rider Number:
Hometown: New Market, Maryland - USA
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Marital Status: Married
Relatives in Speedway:
Web Site or Facebook Page:
Date Started Speedway:
Reason to Race Speedway:
Goals or Ambitions for Speedway: Biff lives in New Market, MD. (near Washington D.C.) USA,
and was a member of the Canadian Speedway Team that traveled to Sweden in April, 1996. He is known for
his showmanship, enthusiasm for speedway, and wheelies!
His 1997 season got off to a rough start with a bad hand
injury while ice racing, and Biff had another setback at
the Canadian National from a broken cam chain that caused
him to crash minutes before the event began.
Photo by:
Bike: Jawa Laydown 898
Tracks Ridden:
USA: Champion Speedway, NY - Bear Creek Speedway, Ohio - Lawrenceburg Speedway
Canada: Niagara Speedway - Paris Speedway - Eagle's Nest Raceway
Sweden - Brassarna Speedway (Nassjö) - Molmö - Kaparna (Göteborg) - Dackarna Speedway (Målilla)
1996 - 11th Place Canadian Speedway National Championships
1996 - 3rd Place U.S. Open Speedway Championships
1995 - 5th Place Ohio State Speedway Championships
1995 - 10th Place Indiana State Speedway Championships
1995 - 8th Place U.S. Open Speedway Championships

Action photo at Welland by Willy
