2019 Speedway New and Views
The Celebration of Laura Jeanne Agajanian
January 14, 1951 — July 16, 2019
by Harald Zechner

With no warning and totally unexpected on July 16, 2019 Laura
Agajanian died. In good health she had just passed a complete physical with flying colors. Regardless Laura was gone. Tragic.

In shock and heartbroken Laura’s husband Chris Agajanian did not
handle it well. Men always think they will go first so getting an emotional handle on Laura’s passing was difficult. Thank God for a strong family unit as they were the calm in this storm. Chris’ children, Alexandra and Adam, helped their dad cope as did brothers, Cary and Jay, and all his relatives. Friends, business associates and even complete strangers sent best wishes and condolences. It did little to soften the blow. Chris Agajanian went into seclusion.

What about a ceremony? So many loved Laura. Would there be a celebration of her life or a funeral open to the public? The answer had to wait as decisions were difficult.

Chris consulted with his children and received council from the family. He considered everyones input and decided there would be no public funeral. Laura would be cremated.

Adam Agajanian stands in front of a picture of his mother Laura
Chris and Laura had bought two beautiful porcelain figures on a vacation in France. One would be for Laura and the other would hold Chris’ ashes when his time came.

There would be a Life Celebration but it would be limited to family and close
friends. Chris did not feel comfortable about a large gathering.

The Celebration of Laura Jeanne Agajanian took place on Sunday, August 18, 2019 at the Los Angeles Yacht Club in San Pedro California. The weather was perfect, clear blue skies, a warm breeze, boats rocking in the waves, the location elegant.

Held on the upper floor over one hundred family members and guests sat at tables and
chairs that filled the large room. Each table had flowers and a nicely printed eight page color booklet filled with photos and information about Laura's life. Large poster-boards
of Laura were everywhere.

Long time family friend Tom Tolman reads the Laura Agajanian Memorial brochure

Rico Hawkes stands in front of one of the many posterboards of Laura
A podium and two large movie screens showed pictures of Laura and the family. In between speakers, a video of Laura’s favorite songs by the original artist was played. A full bar filled one side of the adjoining open space and tables for food were set up near the window side.

Well laid out, there were no bad seats - Bobby Schwartz at the food station
Chris Agajanian was the first speaker. He welcomed everyone and spoke of his love for
Laura. In detail he shared their story. For the most part Chris kept his composure but more than once he shed a tear. No question Chris was fragile.

Chris Agajanian speaking at the podium
Chris’ brother Jay spoke next. He offered a prayer and blessed the food.

Jay Agajanian on the mic. Chris and Laura's son Adam and Cary Agajanian’s wife Judy Lunch followed and for the next hour everyone mingled to catch up and share their
own experiences and feelings.

Longtime friends Harald Zechner and Jay Agajanian relive yesteryear and the day
Jay’s oldest son, JC Agajanian III, recited a passage from the bible when the ceremony
resumed at 2pm. That was followed by Cary’s oldest son, Joshua, who also spoke fondly
of Laura.

Joshua Agajanian addresses the attendees about life with his Aunt Laura
Then Laura’s little brother, Allen Schiano, told of the Schiano family journey to Gardena
California. Most of you I’m sure are not aware that Laura was born in French occupied Algeria in Northern Africa and how the family fled the country when the Algerian war broke out. America became their destination and for a brief period five year old Laura called New York City home. A difficult time learning English had the family moving to Canada where their native language, French, was spoken. Then a good job offer in the
United States forced the family to be relocated to Gardena, California. This final move ended their 19,861 mile journey for a new home.

Laura’s brother, Allen Schiano spoke the longest and relayed the family’s turbulent history
More speakers included daughter Alexandra and long-time friend and Disney Producer Charles Yost. Each spoke passionately about Laura and their time spent with her. After those scheduled to speak concluded several others came to the podium to share their memories and emotions.

Alexandra Agajanian and Rose Wright. Chris produced music with Rose’s husband Gary Wright
Once finished, all there were educated on her life. Laura had graduated from Lawndale High School. She was a cheerleader and song queen. Laura took tap dancing and ballet classes and performed on stage in dance cabarets and as a showgirl in a variety of shows. Then in 1972 Ascot Public Relations man Ben Foote needed an assistant and brought in Laura Schiano. A young Chris met Laura and the rest is history.

"After our first date, I didn’t stand a chance” Chris told me.
And so it was. The day ended but the pain continued. A week after Laura’s Life Celebration
Chris was hospitalized. His depleted immune system had doctors scrambling. Now back
home he is recovering.

So how does this story end you ask? Can there be a happy ending? Indeed there can. Chris is getting better and stronger by the day and daughter Alexandra has announced that she is pregnant with a baby girl. Both Alexandra and son Adam are there with Chris and together they are excepting the new reality of life without a mom and wife. In time the hole in their life will diminish and normal life will return.

Chris Agajanian, daughter Alexandra, son Adam and his 10-year-old boy, Tristan
Life is not easy and we all hate the reminders of that. Still it’s the only one we have and it is our duty to those gone before us to make the most of our time in this world.
Thanks for Listening
Howie Zechner