2019 Speedway New and Views
Vickie Flanders Celebration of Life 1953 - 2018

Always energetic and positive the passing of Vickie Flanders was a shock for all who knew her. Good habits and clean living it was hard to comprehend. Still, she is gone but in spirit and remembrance Ms. Vickie lives.

Bruce and Vickie Flanders
Vickie Flanders embraced life. Married to Bruce and mother of son Michael and daughter Megan this award winning quilter and bowler did it all. In youth she owned her own motorcycle that friend Malcolm Smith taught her to ride. Once she drove the Jay East Sprint car at Ascot and was a regular at many a race venue where she helped announcer husband Bruce Flanders with every job under the sun. She completed tactical training and was a concealed carry permit holder; Yes there were many sides to this wonderful loving lady.

Michael Flanders – Robert Flanders

Megan Flanders
Affectionately known as “Mothership” family and friends showed their respect and love at Vickie Flanders “Life Celebration” on Sunday, February 24, 2018. Held at Romano’s family Italian restaurant in downtown Riverside California, her kids had rented the entire 2nd floor for the occasion. Equipped with a large stage and full bar it was a comfortable setting that had ample room for the many who attended. A table filled with flowers and several poster boards were filled with pictures. A slide show of her time on the TV show “The Haunted Saloon” flashed images on a video monitor.

Jim Michaelian – CEO Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

From the East Coast to the West it was a mixed bag of people in attendance. Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach, CEO Jim Michaelian, Industry Racing promoter Kelly Inman, Costa Mesa Speedway announcer Terry Clanton and his wonderful mother Mary Ann, Gary, Sandra, Kenneth Hicks, Herb and Scott Spivey, Kenny Hansen and Bob Brayton are just a few of the names that come to mind.

Vickie’s mom Donna, sister Robin, several uncles and cousins along with Megan and Michael Flanders and Bruce’s brothers John and Paul were there with their wives and family.

Gary Hicks Sr, Paul Flanders – Bruce Flanders - Paul Flanders
Over Pizza and drink stories were shared and memories rekindled. Some personal and others funny they were heart felt and well received. Only weeks from their 38th Wedding Anniversary, Bruce Flanders synopsis of his life with “this beautiful woman” and the loss that haunts him brought the room to silence. More than one tear and laugh shared the afternoon gathering.

Front: Terry Clanton, Kelly Inman, Kenny Hansen Bruce Flanders, Bob Brayton
Rear: Kenneth Hicks, Sandra Hicks, Harald Zechner, Gary Hicks
Vickie Flanders, you will be missed.

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Thanks for listening
Harald “Howie” Zechner
Motor Press Journalist - Trailblazer