2012 News and Views
A blink of an eye
The 2012 California State Speedway Championship

I couldn't believe it was here. The last event in our 2012 “Lucky 13” race series. What, How, When? It just couldn't be. Had 14 weeks really gone by since our opening night May 30th?
Walking through the pits riders were getting battle gear ready for the nights competition. “I’m here for the money”
current National and California State Speedway Champion #1 Billy Janniro told me. “I think it’s my night” yelled 2012
Ice National Champion Charlie Venegas. Don’t listen to any of them its my race last years points winner “Lil Animal” Jimmy Fishback responded. Faria, Hedden, Burmeister, Castro, Schwartz. McConnell. The newly crowned Under 21 National Champion Gino Manzares, the rest of the field. Each wanted that giant silver cup to have their name engraved on it.

Still early I walked the 1/8 mile dirt track. The days and weeks before had been record breaking heat and dirt's a funny beast to
tame so I was concerned. The track however was perfect and would stay that way all night. Good job Jose Salazar. You only
missed the setup two or three times all season. You sir are a track “Grand Master” to the highest degree.
Standing in the infield I couldn't help but reflect back on the pre season when this new promotion called Industry Racing
started. It had nothing. The gate, wall, safety lights, flags, everything had to be purchased or made. A job well
done. Industry Racing Speedway Track has made the 4500 seat Grand Arena the most modern - high tech Speedway Motorcycle facility in the country.
When they say “its the Wednesday Night Fun - Race Place” they do not lie.
Audio Video was doing the usual last minute drill. All the cameras up? How about the dozen or so HD monitors that
show the racing and replays? Is there a picture on the ones in the bars, the food courts, the outside patio area? How about
that giant one in the middle of turns three and four or the ones in the pits? No worries Horacio Colmenares and crew. You guys
did well this year. A three camera production all 13 weeks of this first season are available for purchase/viewing at Industry Racing
Reality slapped as I was needed at the front gate. Where can we put this new KIA that Allstar wants to display. What about that Monster Energy car, or the Haddick’s table and car? Is the sidecar display in the right place? What about the booth for those Flatrack guys that are holding their big AMA 1/2 mile race at the Pomona Fairplex October 13th. Dam what did I do with that diagram Carol gave me. Well all is well that ends well. The spacious patio area had plenty of room for them, several food vendors, the Tike Bar and lots more. Hey lets put those old belt drive Excelsior and Flanders motorcycles here next to the Industry Racing and souvenir booths.

It was crazy busy and It didn't stop. Carol, Kelly, Ryan, Madeline, Rosa, The whole Industry Racing crew was working. There's a guy here from the local newspaper who wants to talk with you. Where are the free Industry Racing pins the first 250 spectators get. The pit gate needs more race programs. These photographers want media credentials can you help them? We were running hard but I was loving it. This could be one of the best days of my Speedway life.

Everything started settling in. This event and venue were ready. It’s 5:30pm so lets make it happen. “The Journey Experience” band started playing. It was Showtime.
The line of spectators at the front gate was the longest I have ever seen here at The Grand Arena and those 250 free souvenir pins we handed out were soon gone. No let-up in sight the free full color 20 page programs were the next to go. Wow! Who knew? Never thought we would get this many people.

The Arena turned into a moving mass of energy. Crowded with people doing what people do. A happing of the most excellent type taking shape before my eyes. Could this night get any better. It could and did.

Sponsors, friends, people I didn't know came up and complemented us for the event and what this new Wednesday Night program has turned into. Dignitaries like JC Agajanian, Ed Justice Jr., Bob Laidlaw, the Oxley's to name a few did the same. I was overwhelmed.

With over 3000 people filling the grandstands a 7:30 riders parade led to the national anthem and racing. Announcer Bruce Flanders was hot.
Now how can one describe racing that takes place on a 185 pound 500cc brakeless motorcycle with the best riders in the United States? Awesome? Wild? Unbelievable? Sure but your only scratching the surface. The California State was all of those and more.

It was 2.5 hours before the race action stopped. Billy Janniro had won the tile again. This is his Third California State. He deserved it. Janniro’s racing was spectacular and he only dropped one point the entire night to Charlie Venegas in Heat 14.

“I knew I was going to win when “Charlie Venegas picked gate one in the main” Billy told me. “Charlie had four when he beat me in heat 14” and should have taken it again. “Gate four was positively the quicker starting position”. Finishing order: #1 Billy Janniro, #43 Charlie Venegas, #25 Jimmy Fishback, #26 Tyson Burmeister.

Braydan Galvin won the Youth 200cc California State title. Riding since age four Braydan if the son of a Speedway dynasty where both granddad Dave and father Bryan raced D-1. Braydan won his first California Pee Wee Championship at age six. Many more wins came Brayda’s way till he stopped Speedway to go car racing. He would be away from the sport for four years.

“It was July of 2011” Granddad Dave told me. Braydan wanted to try speedway again but we had no bike so his dad and I took him to the Billy Hamill Speedway Academy. The 1996 World Speedway Champion supplies the bike, track and instructs. For any kid who ever thought about riding Speedway this is the way to do it. You can check out the Billy Hamill Speedway Academy on facebook at Billy-Hamill-Speedway-Academy-Hagon-Shocks
Since his return Braydan’s been winning steadily. He is one of the bright lights in the Junior racing program. Finishing order: #45 Braydan Galvin, #214 Michael Wells, #34 Maverick Molloy, #4 Courtney Crone.

The Youth 250cc Championship winner was Dillon Ruml. Nicknamed “Poison” the Huntington Beach California youngsters 1st ever Speedway race was in 2008. By 2009 he was winning mains. Between 2011 and 2012 Dillon has won 12 main events. Dillon is another one of those bright lights in the Junior racing program. Finishing order: #111 Dillon Ruml, 98 Broc Nicol, #308 Max Ruml, #0 Hayley Perrault, #222 Dalton Leedy.

The Industry Invitational was won by Geoff Herkner. Starting Speedway racing in 2001 by 2002 he won the Arrowhead D-2 B Track Championship. “My dad raced Speedway it in the 1970's” so naturally I wanted to the 2nd generation Geoff related. A solid D-2 rider Geoff races for the best reason in the world. He loves Speedway. Finishing order: #208 Geoff Herkner, #182 Rudy Laurer, #177 Steve Bowen, #185 Kayle LeoGrande.

A blink of an eye and the racing was done. Fans rushed the infield as trophy presentation took place against a huge new Industry Racing backdrop. Photographs and interviews finished, a full bar in the riders pit area led to still more hours of camaraderie and bench racing. What’s that you ask? How much camaraderie? Well lets just say that when I left a 1am it was still going strong.
Carol Perez and the newIndustry Racing Track staff my congratulations on a job well done. Working with you all and turning this Speedway venue into the success it is has been this season is the utmost in satisfaction. I look forward working with you all when the 2013 season starts on May 29th. Industry Racing
Also special thanks to Albert Wong for those amazing race pictures in this story.
Love you all. See you at Speedway.

Yesterday was alive - Legends Night Industry Racing August 1, 2012
It's nice when a plan comes together. Autograph tables and chairs for thirty. BIG place cards with a picture of each legend. A sixteen page color program with lots of commentary and pictures of yesterdays stars and today's free for all who attended. Fans would not be disappointed on this night of legends and racing.
5pm and the pit area was alive as former and current riders mingled. Dub Ferrell unloaded his two valve JAWA next to Billy Meister's and Shawn McConnell. Early arrival award goes to Billy Gray and Bill Green who staked out their pit position at noon.
Things got hectic as more arrived. Bill Cody, Gary Hicks, Rick Miller and other. Hey isn't that Sunny Nutter, Sammy Tanner, Chris Manchester and Josh Larsen. Well you get the idea. It was a full out no holds bared way-back-days free-for-all. What, where, why, when. More questions and answers floating around than flowers at the Rose Parade. It was a sight to behold.
Pit steward Ryan Evans was going crazy. I want to ride, can I go out solo, hey we want to do a match race. Ryan figured it out though. Every Legend that asked got their ride before this night was put into the history books.
The front of the arena was just as crazy. The gates were opened at 6pm and spectators filled the front plaza. The band played and the food concessions were busy as was the 50% off Happy 1/2 Hour. Mike Lupo displayed two Maely machines he and Ken restored shortly before his passing. That coupled with pictures, literature, trophies, a steel shoe display and Billy Meister's restored two valve made it the most popular pop up on the plaza. There were several close seconds but Mike Lupo gets the award for best Legend display hands down.
The phrase herding cats comes to mind but all 30 + Legends did find their way to the autograph table. The energy there was intense as a large number of spectators and friends walked the line. Autographs, pictures, stories flowed. Everyone there was in the zone. Time stood still or maybe even moved backwards.
Kelly Inman was totally surprised when fellow work mates and former promoter partners Hugh Randlof and Lee Crecelius showed up. Being Race Director for Industry Racing's its hard keeping secrets from Kelly (but not impossible). Their Speedway reunion was a good one and way overdue. Hugh Randlof says The Grand Arena will see more of him as he hopes to return to racing in 2013.
Vietnam Veteran and former Halve a Harley rider Johnnie Griffitts knocked it out of the park with the National Anthem at 7:30. Keep your kids away from the crash wall. This show was about to start.
Now the Dangerous One had hatched up a plan. Bruce Flanders's announced a mystery rider wearing a black full face helmet was doing some laps and the first one to properly identify him would get a free ticket to next weeks races. Well that could have worked better. Dubb's two valve with the brightly painted blue flame job on the tank busted him before the tapes went up. Still he was smooth and fast. The crowd shouted their approval.
Billy Meister on a two valve he restored himself was next. Not his first rodeo he rode exceptionally well. A match race between him and Joe Donaldson gave Meister more seat time than any other legend. He's probably still sporting that ear to ear smile Malcolm Smith made so famous in the movie "On Any Sunday,"
Andy Northrup was good. A shaky start after laying it down in turn one the L.A. County Sheriff put in some good solid laps.
Billy Gray had his hands full. Three laydown in a row. Still he restarted every time and in the end `Bud" tamed the beast for three or four laps.
"Smokin' Bill Green stole the show. Went out did four or five excellent laps, came in like he hadn't been off a bike in years. I was real proud of the fact both wore their RAZ Video racing bibs. 
Pam Bennett's my hero. Girl came prepared, bike leathers, helmet. Competed in D-3 with the boys and finished third in the main event. Unbelievable for a girl that stopped racing Speedway two decades ago.
Flanders had his hands full. All the Legends needed to say hello and tell a quick story or two. The crowd loved it as one by one a favorite hero was interviewed. All the Legends on the infield along with both the restored Maely bikes made for a once in a lifetime photo opportunity. Legends Night at The Grand Arena was very well supported by rider and fan alike. It will be hard to top this event next year.
Bruce Svatos was there with the Greg Hancock MONSTER ENERGY GP Helmet. Signed by all four living USA World Champions its scheduled for EBAY. All money raised from its sale will go the Billy Hamill/Hagon Shocks Junior Speedway Program. Fully documented with pictures of all the World Champions it the ultimate Speedway collectors item. Svatos told the Industry Racing crowd all about it and how worthy a cause the Junior Speedway Program is during his interview with Flanders.
So was there any real racing? Well Yea. Both Handicap and Scratch. The track well groomed and fast. The racing outstanding.
Luke Whitcomb once again won the Pee Wee Main. Youth 200cc Braydan Galvin. Youth 250cc a barnburner with Max Ruml taking home the gold.
The Scratch main was poetry in motion as "The Bullet" lead front to tail. He's a World Champion and it shows.
Anyone who left before the eight rider, six lap Handicap main arguably missed the best race of the night. When the smoke cleared Aaron Fox came out the winner over a field that included one DNF and two laydowns. Fox has been on fire lately and could be a real threat in the upcoming California State Championship here at The Grand Arena.
Pits were slow to clear out on this night. Laughing, bonding, sharing. Don't think anyone really wanted it to end.
Extreme Sidecar Racing along with Speedway Motorcycle Racing returns next week – The band starts at 6. First race 7:30
NOTE TO SELF: The California State Championship will be run at the end of the month August 29. Many surprises and announcements will accompany this $5000., purse night. Mark it on your calendar. It's a not to be missed night featuring the best of the best.
August 29 will mark the final race of the "Luck 13" series. Wow did this season go by fast or what. Still don't despair. There are surprises in the wing. More to come on this as plans sort out.
Till then see at The Grand Arena. Americas Fun Race place for Speedway Motorcycles and Sidecars. Look us up on Facebook at Industry Racing Schedule or the internet at Industry Racing
See you at the races
Howie (August 3, 2012)
A Party Interrupted by a Race every Two Minutes Industry Hills Expo Center July 1, 2012
Great balls of fire what a night it was. Ugly Hawaiian Shirts all over the place. Spectators, riders, crew. Even the referee. Without a doubt the first annual Bruce Flanders Ugly Hawaiian Shirt night was a happening.
6pm and the Grand Arena front entrance area was bustling. Entering the front gate spectators were given a flower Hawaiian lei. On display a USAC-CRA Sprint car. A wonderful picture opportunity for fans young and old. On tap, information regarding where and when they compete along with some good Sprint car conversation. Driver Brody Roa, of Buena Park made an on track demonstration later in the evening. The crowd went wild as the 410 cu. monster did some laps. More information about Sprint Cars and when they race is available at Perris Auto Speedway/
The band Full House played Classic Rock. Speedway rider and guitarist singer #266 Jonni Jade joined them for a few songs. It was outstanding. People stood around the filled bleachers in front of the stage to hear them. They were a huge hit.
Bert's Motorcycles was there in force. A big pop-up housed several motorcycles and four wheel all terrain vehicles. A nice layout. Owner Ron Seidner, and crew handed out tickets to win prizes. Bert's on track demonstration consisted of three all terrain vehicles doing some laps in close formation. Don't know if it was the crowd or the driver who was more surprised when one of them rolled. No gain, no foul, no one hurt. They'll be talking about this one for awhile. Berts Mega Mall
xpeed had three pop-ups that housed a large assortment of helmets. Industry Racing was impressed that Anthony Moceri from xpeed stepped up and gave Austin Novratil a new helmet after the 2011 AMA Under 21 US National Champion destroyed his old one in a horrific Victorville crash. There was also talk about a sponsorship.
Americas Motorcycle Injury Lawyers "The Law Tigers" were a hit with free T-shirts, bags, pens and more for anyone who stopped by their booth. Law Tigers
Madilen and the girls in the Industry Racing booth were handling the free raffle giveaway. Prizes are given away every week. All that's required is to stop by and enter. While your there sign up to be on our mailer.
Next to the girls is the Industry Racing souvenir stand. T-shirts, posters and miscellaneous racing paraphernalia can be purchased there or on our internet store. Industry Racing All the material required to make a poster is available there for one buck ($1.00). Kids draw their favorite riders name and more on them and then hang by the fence so the rider can see them. It's a great way to keep them amused for hours. Rumors that adults also do this are positively true.
The Tiki bar in the front plaza and the Dirt bar in turn two of the arena were jammed. Both mix great drinks at very reasonable prices. For the second week in a row early arrivals got to take advantage of the 50% off Happy Hour 1/2 hour. Only want a beer and don't want to stand in a long line. Sure you got it. A express lane at the Tiki gets you in and out in a hurry.
Food booths? Yes we have a bunch of them. Popcorn, dogs, you name it. All of them have good food that doesn't break your budget. And the Mexican food up on the veranda. What a deal. Freshly made and ridiculously cheap on the pocketbook. Mexican food as good as a restaurant. Better, you get to watch Speedway while eating it.
Now what? You have a handful of food and a drink but don't want to eat in the grand stands. No worries. Tables and chairs litter both the downstairs court and the upstairs veranda. I'm talking clean, nice, comfortable stuff. Plain fact is many that come to the races spend the entire night outside with friends. With all those digital monitors playing the races live you never miss a moment of action. One things for sure. Whether outside or inside the arena your always going to see those replays on one of those big screens.
Other things of interest? Well the Bishop Amat High School Band played the National Anthem. And the Ugly Hawaiian Shirt contest had so many contestants there was a traffic jam in front of the announcers booth. Judging was done by the crowd yelling and Paul Flanders measuring the decibel level on his hand held DB meter. Brian Galvin's shirt was really ugly and he should have won. Problem was everyone hates the referee so his chances were as slim as Castro not being named on one of Brian's anticipating the start calls. I personally thought recognition should have been given to Shawn McConnell and dad Frank. They both had outstanding Hawaiian shirts on and Shawn wore his all night during the racing.
Connor Cruise was there again with Dave `The Wrangler" and the RPM-ATTACK video crew. They are going all out in this Pee Wee - Luke Whitcomb production. "Lightning Luke" helped out by winning his fifth Pee Wee main here at Industry. I can't wait to see the finished product. This "Hollywood" production should be a doozy.
The "Last of the Mohicans" Last Man Out Challenge ran for the third time this season. Charlie "The Edge" Venegas took that money.
"The Bullet" won the Scratch Main again. What's that make three or four here at Industry? No doubt Billy Hamill is poetry in motion.
D-2 that would be professional bicycle racer Kayle LeoGrande. A really nice person the 35 year old tattoo artist has been on fire lately. This is his second D-2 win here at Industry this season.
Thirteen year old Sammy Ramirez won the Youth 250cc Main Event from the 10 yard line. No small feat when Broc Nicol, Max Ruml, Dillon Ruml, Dalton Leedy and Kurtis Hamill are behind you.
Other observations. Well what about that long track layout. Still making my mind up about that one. And what about that admission price structure. If you wore a Ugly Hawaiian Shirt you got in for $5.00. Hold on. It gets better. If your a old guy like me is cost $2.50 with the shirt. Now hold on. Two dollars and fifty cents to get into Speedway. Hot doggy.
So there it is. We are halfway though our 2012 "Lucky 13" season and Speedway here at The Grand arena just keeps getting better. Industry Track members, Carol, Kelly, the crew, myself. We would love to take the credit. It's not true. It's you. The ones who come through our turnstiles. The riders who take off early to race, the mechanics, sponsors and others that put their money, time and effort into being here on a Wednesday Night. You are our inspiration to build a better mouse trap. Thank you all for your continued support.
Done? Not hardly. In a few days it starts all over again. And lets not forget the California State Championship that will be held here at The Grand Arena on August 29th. Industry Racing
See you Wednesday and thanks again for supporting American Speedway Racing.
Howie (July 22, 2012)
Good seeing so many of you last week. Lets do it again this Wednesday at The Grand Arena. Rider time a ticken on signup. Do it now.
J.C. Masters
R.I.P. our Friend
What started out as a outstanding night of Speedway racing at the Fair Derby turned tragic with the passing of J.C. Masters.
After J.C. Masters raced, the #202 rider collapsed. On site paramedics attended to him but he was not revived.
Tommy Hedden's a hero as far as I'm concerned his team manager Robert Cirac told me. "Tommy was right there by Jim when it happened. He started CPR on him even before the medics arrived. Tommy has the training to do that. Unfortunately it was to no avail. Jim Masters will be missed,"
"I'm no hero" Hedden told me. "My CPR training kicked in and I did what needed to be done." Hedden had to race again as soon as it resumed. "My concentration was gone. My thoughts were with Jim", he explained.
After a stellar couple of races that included a win Buck Blair was another who could not continue. He's been real hot after wining the main at IMS then Industry and then IMS again. Buck wanted the bronzed hat Fair Derby trophy to have his name on it.
"Jim was at my shop for hours yesterday" Michael Novratil told me. "What a good guy. I can't believe this has happened,"
It's not often Brad Oxley doesn't have anything to say but this tragedy really left him weak at the knees. `I'm to shook up to talk right now but lets after the races," Time and memory fade prevented me from doing so.
After a long delay racing resumed and Hamill won the day. Congratulation were in play but it all seemed out of order. News of Masters passing was a damp blanket on the nights festivities.
Those that know him better and were closer will write the J.C. Masters epitaph. It should be something outstanding. There was not one who did not praise the name J.C. Masters.
God bless the loss of a dear member of this Speedway family.
Howie Zechner (July 15th, 2012)
PS: Regardless of what Tommy Hedden thinks he is a hero. Living up north he drove down for Industry on Wednesday. Got a bad referee call and made $40. Drove home and then back for the Fair Derby. That's twenty two hundred miles in one week. He jumps in trying to save someone's life and says that's the way it is in life and racing. Tommy Hedden your OK dude.
Brad Oxley and crew. Yesterdays Jumpers and Sidecar show was one for the record books. Tonight it dealt sevens. Sorry dude. Still we saw the work and appreciate what you do so the riders can race and the spectators can watch them. Your Monster Energy United States National Championship deal is huge and will allow a record purse for the winner. Still this occasion is for a fallen comrade so this conversation will have to wait.
The Wednesday Night Race Place - What I do...
Having been around Speedway for a year or two I know it's a very diverse family. Education, political, social, economical, What brings us together is Speedway and our love for it. Man, women, child its where we fit.
Still we all know the reality. Work feeds you not Speedway. Sure there is the exception but for most we all have something else that pays the bills. For most we have a profession.
We need to harness that power. It needs to be in one location for easy access.
Look the question is easy. When you need a worker or have a project that needs doing would you rather hire a Speedway person or doesn't it matter who you use as long as the job is done properly and for a good price?
You can get both by going to www.speedwayforums.com and "What I do..." Supply your work specialty and a contact number or email. That's it. When Brad or Kelly or Shawn or whoever need to have cement work or carpentry or anything else done you can give a Speedway family member first shot at doing it.
Uncle Doug. Your a plumber right? You Faria. Electricity is your game isn't it? Read don't you do mufflers? And Blair your into granite counters. The "Fast One" don't you weld? Well you get the idea.
Things on the internet have changed and I commend Tom Simrak for making this "What I do... page on his www.speedwayforums.com. It is well suited to storing all these work categories and making them easy to find. Fact is Speedwaybikes.com could also develop this into a page on their site. I encourage RC and Tom both to devote time to this project.
I interact with my fellow Speed-Arians on a daily basics. Many of you need work. Many of you need workers. Take advantage of this free listing.
What's that? You don't need no stinkin work. You have plenty of money and just want to race everyday and become World Champion like "Grin" did. Well that's OK. Just list your occupation as professional Speedway Motorcycle racer. Let me know how that works out for you OK.
Now I'm going to go the speedwayforums.com and fill in what I do. Hey hold on. What do I do? Speedway Promoter, Journalist, PR - Video guy. Well good luck with that. No ones ever going to pay for those services. Still. It's worth a shot.
Howie (July 4th, 2012)
The Wednesday Night Race Place - Speedway Racing at the Grand Arena
Young, old, VIP, sponsor. All are enjoying a live band, great racing, good food and drink as well as two full service bars that can mix most any drink you can name. Speedway motorcycles at the Industry Hills Expo Center is the happening Wednesday Night Race Place.
MazdaSpeed joined us here last week and brought a bunch of journalists with them. Not sure if they came to see Speedway or wanted access to Two-Time Mazda Road to INDY Scholarship winner Connor De Phillippi or Skip Barber Mazda MX-5 series racer Kenton Koch. In the end I think they came because MazdaSpeed asked them to. Mazda picking up the tab for the parking, admission, food and drink probably didn't hurt either.
"Most think of Mazda as just a car company but we like and support motorcycle racing" MAZDASPEED Motorsports Communications Officer Dean Case told me. No lie, more people race a Mazda in the USA than any other automobile and lets not forget they call it Mazda of Laguna Seco. Yes sir we appreciate the support you have shown racing and us here at Industry Racing.
Several Motor Press Guild members were also in attendance. Dave Kunz from Channel 7 was among them. Dave himself a biker rode to the Expo center on his BMW. "I ride a lot and cover lots of motorcycle events but Speedways the greatest," I'll have to tell the boys in the newsroom about Wednesdays here at The Grand Arena. It's a gem of a race place. I will be back" Dave exclaimed.
A true Speedway legend and Gold Medal Winner Dennis Sigalos, was there. He came with the MazdaSpeed gang and entertained them all night with Speedway stories from the way-back-days when we were both young. During Flanders interview the crowd was silent as Siggy told the tale of England and Bruce Penhall and Bobby Schwartz and more. It was history in the making. I was pleased to be able to witness it. He and the rest of the MazadaSpeed gang could be seen hanging with Billy Hamill and Doug Nicole long after the races had concluded. I wouldn't want to guess which one of them had the better time on that night.
What about that Connor Cruise apprentice? He and several bodyguards sat in the grandstands. They attracted and wanted no attention. Strange? Conner you-all come back anytime and bring your dad Tom Cruise. We hear he's a Speedway fan.
Have to give a shout-out to the Foothills Region 63/Pasadena/Glendale Libertarian Party. Jill, Allen, Carlos and the gang. That was fun. As you can see politics is not the only place where people scream and dirt gets thrown around. Thanks for attending Wednesdays Industry Racing Speedway event.
Last but no least I want to thank you. Yes YOU. The riders, mechanics, sponsors and fans. The ones spreading the gospel of Wednesday Night Speedway here at the Grand Arena. We know that regardless of how low the admission and food and drink prices are. Regardless of how many live bands we have or how nice the track and facility is we can't do it without you.
Continue to spread the word. Speedway on Wednesdays thru August 29th. See you there.
Howie (June 25, 2012
Excitement filled the air as I entered the back parking lot at the Grand Arena. Lots of people. Lots of commotion. Wow, what's with all the riders? We don't start racing for another 3+ hours.
The pits were full. Motorcycles and sidecars in abundance. Several riders arranged their bikes to take advantage of the new lighting under the back of the front grandstands. Normal opening night gremlins were causing havoc but no one seemed to mind. All knew their role and played it perfectly. Sign in completed a riders meeting then engines could be started.
The Grand Arena was looking good. The virgin crash wall was filled with sponsor signage. A Speedway - Grand Arena sign showed off the newly constructed starting gate structure. Above turn three hung a giant digital monitor that could be seen regardless of where you were seated. Popular watering hole "the Dirt Bar" located outside of turn two was frequented by those familiar with the arena layout. Mixed drinks and tables right next to the track assure you will have dirt in the bottom of that Margarita and a smile on your face. VIP box seats between turns two and three included food and drink table service.
The crowd was really pouring in as I walked past the candy booth and into the outside court area. The layout was spectacular. Tables and chairs were plentiful. Another full bar, several more booths and souvenirs stands. The Tribute band Journey Experience played on the stage area and many joined in on some of Journey's best known and loved. Bert's Motorcycle Mall displayed some bikes and Haddick's brought in a four wheel jewel to help promote their 2nd annual Hot Rod Show on July 14th. The food court area was so well set up that many choose to stay even after the races were started and watch the action on one of the many HD video monitors that littered the area. Can't blame them. Fresh Mexican and traditional food at reasonable prices. Drinks of every color and strength. People talking Speedway. It's a nice place to hang.
A new walkway that allows spectators close access and an unobstructed view of the pits was another very popular addition. Riders were hanging with friends and fans long before the races even started.
Two thousand spectators plus were silent as the Workman High School Production Choir sang the National Anthem. It would be the only time for silence on this evening.
Motors roared and circles were spun. Flanders was amazing. His race calls clear and accurate. His title as "The Voice of Speedway" was not at all in jeopardy on this evening.
The season opener track held up well but by nights end it was a blue grove. Still the racing was fierce and none complained about its surface.
The riders. Well you guys know I think your all hero's. Thanks for proving me right. Your riding and showmanship was spectacular. Those that saw you compete will do so again. Your race ethics were impeccable. Happy to report $450. has been added to your 2012 Industry Racing Points Fund.
The Industry Racing crew also deserves some love. The back gate people, scoring, flaggers. KC and Ryan in the pits. Galvin the referee. Carol, Kelly, Madeline, Rosa, Julie and the staff. Good racing. Good time..
So what did I think about the night? Good. Dam Good. Can't wait till next Wednesday so we can do it again. If you weren't there you should be. Speedway at The Grand Arena. The Luck 13 race series. Racing starts at 7:30. More information at Industry Racing
Howie (June 1, 2012)
I'd known about this for weeks but still couldn't believe it was finally here as the 6:30am alarm sounded. Get it up and get it on I arrived at Costa Mesa by 8:30am. The place was bustling. The pits well groomed had about 10 pop-ups with bikes under them. The Hagon setup was spectacular with four or five canopies. A long row of matching Hagon Speedway machines was a spectacular sight.
A Monster Energy semi was parked in one comer and a dozen tables were set up along with several high definition monitors that were playing speedway from the GP. Media tables had booty on them that included two very nice and very expensive press booklets. One was the 2012 Speedway FIM World Championship Official Media Guide. The other a Press Kit that contained information on all the American tracks that run Speedway. Big Time, Champion, Costa Mesa Speedway, Fast Fridays, Industry Racing, IMS, Mid-America, Sin City and Wheel 2 Wheel were all included. It listed over 100 Speedway events and gave all the race dates from each track along with contact information. Both booklets were in full color and contained pictures and specifications on the JRM500, the JRM500 Long Track, the STUHA GM500, the JRM250 Junior, and the HAGON 140 Mini. Hats, flash drives and other Monster Energy give-away items were also in abundance. Fresh fruit, drink and doughnuts filled several more tables. To say it was all 1st class would be the understatement of the year.
A classroom was set up in the speedway office. Bruce Stjernstrom, Billy Hamill, Brad Oxley and Bill Cody would handle the class instruction. They would cover every aspect of Speedway including riding and safety.
Once class was over they would head for the track. 1996 World Champion Hamill and two time National Champion Oxley would handle the on track instruction.
At nine am they started to arrive. Don Williams and Jess McKinley from Ultimate Motorcycling, Tom Roderick – Motorcycle.com , Justin Dawes – Motorcycle-usa.com , Mark Cernicky – Cycle World, Paul Carruthers – CycleNews.com , Chris Ganz – Racer X, Scott Hoffman, Chris and Mike Barrett from Dirt Rider. A heavy hitter of Motorcycle riding and publishing talent. All were enthused and raring to go.
Introductions and some light food soon gave way to getting serious about Speedway. Bobby Schwartz and Shawn McConnell helped the four B's with the class instruction that lasted about an hour. Lots of show and tell along with do's and don'ts were covered.
School ended and it was off to the track. Bikes were rolled out and one by one each of the group had a long track session. Surprisingly even though almost all had never been on a Speedway bike they were able to slide and maneuver the machines. Brad and Billy worked hard showing them what to do. It paid off. There was only one crash the entire day.
Lunch came and Monster fed everyone. Food and drink in abundance. As video monitors played Speedway VIP's like Dave Joiner from Fast Fridays, Carol Perez from Industry Racing, Jaleen Oxley from International Speedway, Shawn McConnell from IMS and the "Godfather" of Speedway Harry Oxley talked to the group about the racing and circuit. Posters, schedules and tickets were presented to encourage future visits. Soon it was back to the `Bullring for more laps.
As they took turns on the dirt oval I talked with a few about Speedway and the day.
Mark Cernicky, Cycle World: Speedways pretty rad. "I'm a AMA Pro level racer that's been on most anything with two wheels. But Speedway is different. I live real close to Costa Mesa. Maybe someone will come up with a bike so I could do this some more,"
Paul Carruthers, CycleNews.com: "Many years ago I did a story about Speedway with Billy Hamill and Greg Hancock at Ken Maley's track. Today that all came back to me. It was assume,"
Don Williams - Ultimate Motorcycling: "I use to go to Irwindale and Costa Mesa in the 70's. It's exciting to watch and even more so to ride,"
Scott Huffman – M/X.com & Dirt Rider: " I've waited a lifetime to ride a Speedway bike," No doubt - it's special.
It was time to get some reaction from Monster and others that had worked so hard to make this day.
Bruce Stjernstrom VP of Sports Marketing at Monster Energy: "Our goal was to reintroduce the motorcycle media to Speedway. Monster combined all the information about American Speedway tracks and Speedway motorcycles in one press kit. Most don't know what the bikes are or where you can purchase one or where you can ride it. We have to make Speedway cool and Monster knows how. It's no secret that there is a move on to bring a round of the Speedway Grand Prix series to America. I look at this as a single step in the right direction of getting that done,"
Brad Oxley promoter at Costa Mesa agreed. All of us working together is what made today work. It was very positive and I was proud to be a small part of it.
Have to agree. It was a good day for Speedway.
Howie (May 16, 2012)
Jack Milne Classic – Costa Mesa
The race that was almost wasn't. Wednesday night brought a unseasonably late rain storm to So. Cal that turned all the magic of dirt track preparation into a lake. Tons of DG turned into a muddy mess held together by a crash wall. Dam all that work and planning down the drain.
Well not their first rodeo at the famous bullring so Oxley and company knew the drill. Pump, blade, drag, pray. Burn those hours. Come hell or high water there would be Speedway Motorcycle racing at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds in two days.
The weather cooperated. Saturday came and a stellar rider lineup greeted the huge crowd that attended. Seems they were just as anxious to see the dirt fly as were the riders who made up the 43 heat program for this 1st race of the 2012 season.
Terry 'Ike" warmed them up and Bobby "Boogaloo" did the Gentleman Start your Engines. A forty-four year tradition was ready to do it one more time.
No question the track conditions were tricky and many a rider was caught by surprise with the grip then slide surface. Still it was the same racetrack for all the competitors. Those who attended to see crashes were by no means disappointed. Even the 1000cc three wheel sidecars did some upside-down crash and burn maneuvers.
Slowly the track came around. It got faster and then faster again. Racers that should have, could have, would have finished first in the early heats got their revenge as the racing came full cycle.
Time flew and soon the main event was history. All who attended were not disappointed. Costa Mesa again proved why they are the number one Speedway facility in the nation.
Because of circumstance beyond their control Costa Mesa will be dark next week. They return May 12 and I suspect that unpleasant track conditions will not be a factor. Come join the fun, the experience, the thrill, the camaraderie of Speedway Motorcycle racing. Bring a friend or two.
And as always thanks for supporting American Speedway.
Howie howie@razvideo.com (May 2, 2012)
PS: Friday Night the action continues at IMS in San Bernardino. Hope to see you there.
News & Views – George Rich passes at 91
George J. Rich was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Sunday February 7, 1921. Most knew him as a avid motorcycle rider, racer and official. He indeed was those but he was so much more.
After Pearl Harbor in 1942 George enlisted in the United States Navy and was sent to San Diego for boot camp. Then to the Navel Air Station in Chincoteague Virginia where he became a turret gunner. He served combat in the South Pacific flying off the deck of the carrier USS Bunker Hill. A TBF-1 Torpedo bomber gunner he logged over 156 carrier flights and 32 missions against hostile ships and ground forces. Twice George had to ditch into the Pacific Ocean. In recognition of George's outstanding and courageous performance he received two (2) Distinguished Flying Crosses and six (6) Air medals from the president of the United States and the Secretary of the Navy.
Upon returning home to Colorado Springs George had varies jobs and many motorcycles that he rode and competed. While at work one day in 1955 George was seriously injured in a accident that left him with two shattered knee caps along with a broken leg and elbow. George always walked with a limp after that and although he could still ride his days of competing were behind him. His love for motorcycling saw George become a AMA district referee in Colorado.
In 1959 he rode his bike to California and decided to stay. He had liked it here when doing basic training in San Diego and settled down in Anaheim CA. Although motorcycles were his love and passion George's real job for 22 years was system support analyst with Rockwell International Autonetics where he worked till retiring.
A Charter Life member George Rich joined the AMA (American Motorcycling Association) in October 1939. Always associated with various promoters George worked with all the greats like JC Agajanian and Harry Oxley. From 1962 to 1982 George was an AMA official at all national events in the Western US including weekly races at Ascot Part in Gardena. He took part in over 700 race meetings that included dirt track, road racing and motocross.
In 1997 he was inducted into the Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the Trailblazers Hall of Fame.
My proudest moment was when George and I both received the AMA MVP Award in January 2006 for our contributions to Speedway motorcycle racing. I also had the pleasure of writing and delivering a speech honoring him at the 1st AMA/Speedway USA BBQ at the City of Industry.
I celebrated George Rich's 91 birthday with him two months back. As always he was in good spirit and had no obvious health issues. His eyes still twinkled when telling stories of the way-back days. His smile was there as was his lust for life. He talked of how he was looking forward to another season of the Wednesday Night Speedway races at the Grand in the City of Industry where he and fellow lifetime friend Dan Nay and godson Kirk Logan are regulars. Sad that time has past. You will be missed my friend.
George wanted to be buried in Colorado. Information regarding a memorial service will be posted as soon as possible. George Rich is survived by his sister Clare Ann Lester, nephew Robert Lester and niece Nancy Mach
Harald Howie Zechner - (March 17, 2012)
Trailblazer - AMA – MPG Member
Industry Racing Press officer
Gumball Rally
Promoting a successful Speedway race is difficult. Doing a whole weekend almost impossible. Still there it was. A shining example of our sport in all its glory. A meeting so intense it leaves a lasting impression on all those who were there.
Last weeks Gumball Rally was an extremely powerful event. Great Southern California weather hosted two days of competition with a stellar lineup that included British League, National and World Champion title holders along with kids that rode unbelievably well and showed that Speedway will continue with a new crop of very talented riders. Speedway insiders joined sponsors, fans and promoters in what sometimes looked more like a love-in than a motorcycle competition. It was a life lesson example of what happens when our Speedway family works together for a common cause.
Billy Hamill my hat is off to you sir. It's not everyday you go to the races and get caught up in a happening that restores your confidence that Speedway is well on it's way to regaining the momentum it had in years gone by.
Here's hoping we all learn the lesson that was so obvious last week. Promoter's, all promoters let's work together. Riders you are Speedways lifeblood. Fans, sponsors, thanks for the support. Between us all we can continue that camaraderie that was so evident at the Gumball experience.
American Speedway Motorcycle Racing. It is the greatest show on earth.
Howie howie@razvideo.com (March 3, 2012)
Industry Racing BBQ was Huge
Have you ever pictured it? A perfect day. Riders, promoters, 450 Speedway elite together celebrating our passion. Yea, OK, I'll say it. The Industry Racing BBQ was spectacular.
The sun was bright as I drove into the Industry Expo Center. No rain we dodged a bullet I thought while doing a outside pass on the RXMC motorhome. Wonder how many will come? The top of the hill told the story. 10am and already cars and motorhomes were jousting for position.
The Pavilion Ballroom never looked better. Displays and bikes along the north wall. Table setup being completed as Industry Hills Expo Center coffee mugs filled with 14X19" color posters and race schedule postcards were being placed in front of each of the 550 chairs. The stage adorned with several high def TV monitors and a Speedway bike on each end. All had been well thought out and it showed.
A promoters meeting was already in progress as I sat down at the table with Jason Bonsignore, Josh Larsen, Shawn McConnell, Chris Ackerman and Northern CA Big Time Speedway promotion Steve and Steve. Steve Evans running late joined us later and Brad O was MIA. The meeting was productive as things like point fund money, a National Series and the AMA were discussed.
There was a long line waiting to get in when the doors opened at 1. It could have been ugly, rider and mechanic forms, stand here so we can take your picture. My compliments to a well prepared Industry Racing staff who made short work of the whole process.
Outside a large Speedway motorcycle exhibition included several strange machines. How about a JAWA with a Bultaco motor in it or maybe that one with a half a Harley motor. Hold on the wildest has to be that Laydown chopper. Never seen a Speedway bike that modified or with so much chrome.
Tables were filled and race talk was in overdrive as those attended helped themselves to free drink and a never ending supply of good eat stuff (must have had a dozen of those meatball things, yum).
Was happy when the band stopped at 2. They were good but to loud. Food was served. Tri Tip, Ribs and fixings were good. No better than good. It was bar none the best and most plentiful I have ever had when serving that many people (don't even get me started on the deserts).
Master of Ceremonies Bruce Flanders started with some introductions. Carol Perez thanked all for coming. Kelly Inman introduced the entire Industry Racing crew and talked about upcoming plans and the 2012 Lucky 13 race series that will be starting here in the Grand Arena on Wednesday May 30th. The promoters came up and told about their upcoming promotions and schedules.
The enthusiastic Speedway crowd listed and applauded all the VIPs Flanders brought to the stage but they went especially wild when he introduced former Gumball Winner Greg Hancock. The appearance of the World Speedway Champion had been kept low key so those attending where delighted by his surprise attendance.
Would like to acknowledge all who came but there are way to many of you. Probably be easier to say who was not there. Happy so many riders attended. Glad you all had a good time and as I said on stage. Speedway has been running here at the Grand for 10 years now and we take it's promotion very seriously.
All in all Sunday January 22, 2012 was a good day for Speedway. No arguments, no problems. A good start to a new Speedway Season.
Howie howie@razvideo.com (January 23, 2012)
IMS Team Racing
The sun was shinning and we were smiling. Speedway was a hour away. Think this wind will be a problem Ed asked as we drove by a tractor trailer that had just blown over. Nah, it shouldn't be I replied as we swerved around the freeway in the wind.
We didn't care. Promoter Steve Evans had put together a Speedway Team Race at IMS that included a D3 North vs. South Team + a Junior Team + a D1/D2 Team and of course Pee Wee's.
Arriving at noon the place was hopping. Crazy Chris on the mike, team managers yelling at each other. It was plain to see something special was happening.
The track looked well prepared and promoter, rider, track prep guy Shawn McConnell did his best to keep it from drying out. In the end it turned into blue grove track. Hard and fast.
North vs. South D3 was first on the program. The North had a superior team that included Fast Fridays Speedway promoter Dave Joiner. Many heats and laps later the North won 54 to 34. They did it fair and square and should be commended not only for their excellent riding but also for making the 6+ hour drive each way to participate in Sundays event.
There were lots of Pee Wee and Juniors and they were next. The pits filled with past and present Speedway riders playing mechanic and coach to their Pee Wee or Junior offspring got them ready to go. It was wonderful watching Josh Larsen or Doug Nicol or Billy Hamill or Charlie Venegas or any of the other parents there interacting with their kids. Sometimes because we are so close to this sport and see so much of it we forget how much the kids benefit from this kind of get-together and competition. Today was not that day because the camaraderie that makes Speedway special was on full display.
I say with all sincerity the Juniors stole the show. The track suited them well and they were on. A na-nu na-nu to you all
Passing, crashes and loops made for lots of good D2/D1 Team Racing. Now I know this is Team racing but Buck Blair was on his game. Perfect with a win in each of his heats. The wins were even more meaning-full as the Bucks dad who came in from Colorado was there to witness them. That's not to say there weren't other fast guys there but the plain fact is Buck shone. It was pleasing to hear he will be riding the 2012 circuit.
So how was event? 48 or so heats, it went on way to long. The wind was brutal. There were no open concession stands.
On the other hand it was wonderful. However promoter Steve Evans does it the flavor of his events cannot be denied. I seriously doubt that there was one person that attended who did not have a great time and experience today. Sure the program needs to be tightened up but I suspect Steve is the man who can accomplish that.
Don't know when the next time Team Racing will be run here but when it does it's well worth a look.
Speaking of fun events I hope to see you all on the 22nd at the Industry Expo BBQ. That's two Sundays away.
Howie howie@razvideo.com (January 9, 2012)
Perris - IMS - Christmas - YouTube
Kudos to Carrie Hancock on a very successful event last Saturday at Perris Speedway. The long track produced some great racing and a couple of controversial referee calls made for a memorable evening that has everyone talking. RAZ Video did do some taping and will be uploading both Semi races and the Main event on the speedwayzar YouTube channel next week. (Thank you Ed and Stephen).
Sunday afternoon at IMS was also a real treat. The day was beautiful as was the track. A intense main event had British riders Martin Dugard and Edward Kennett battling with Billy Hamill, Shawn McConnell and Neil Facchini. Edward Kennett who finished second the night before at Perris was smokin hot and won the first main of this IMS Winter Series.
Round Two of the IMS Winter Series is January 15, 2012 and the next Perris race is February 18. Both are afternoon races and a good chance to see some outstanding daytime battles. Schedules for these and all American Speedway track races can always be found at SpeedwayBikes.com.
The response you riders, mechanics, sponsors and promoters are giving to the upcoming Industry Racing Meet & Greet has been unbelievably positive. Thank you all for your enthusiastic support and kind words regarding the BBQ and upcoming "Lucky 13" racing season.
Sunday January 22, 2012 is the BBQ date and all you have to do is come with a good attitude because parking, admission, BBQ Tri Tip, drinks plus a live band and a 2012 general admission ticket to the Wednesday night show are all free to everyone as is a 2012 Industry Racing license for all riders who attend. More information about the upcoming BBQ may be found on the Industry Racing or SpeedwayBikes.com website.
A very Christmas and a Happy New Year from Kelly, Carol, myself and the entire Industry Racing staff.
Howie howie@industryracing.com (December 24, 2011)
Who Says nothings Free
Be our Guest for a Free afternoon of Live Music, BBQ & Drink at Industry Racing's Meet & Greet BBQ Sunday, January 22, 2012
Held at Industry Hills Expo Center "Pavilion Ballroom, the big building next to the Grand Arena where you riders race it's scheduled to start at 1 and end at 4pm, it could be extended if we are really into it.
This event was huge when I helped organize it on January 13, 2008. A good time was had by all. Times and circumstances have kept that from happening again till now. It's back and it's better than ever (more budget, thanks Carol Perez).
Everything is free. Here is what you can expect.
Parking, of course. Admission no charge for all riders, mechanics and sponsors. Hey don't come by yourself, bring the family or best girl or your sponsor that you always wanted to take to a classy Speedway event that shows off our wonderful sport. Look over the improvements we are making on the Grand Arena. Walk the new track. Don't know if the crash wall will be finished in time. That could go either way.
Free Lunch will be BBQ Tri Tip. Soda, water, of course. A beer bar, you bet. Free, well let's just say Industry Racing will buy the first couple of rounds.
To thank you for attending every rider and mechanic there gets a free admission ticket voucher that can be used on any night during our 2012 Lucky 13 season.
Hold on we're not done. Sign up to ride for the 2012 season and we will give you the Industry Racing track license free. Plus a rule book and poster. So let me repeat, any rider who attends the BBQ and signs up for the 2012 season while at the BBQ will get their Industry Racing license free. On top of that we will take your headshot. Plans are in the works to use them in a slick rider introduction that will do you proud when you see the finished video product. You must be at the BBQ in person to be eligible for this free license offer.
So Let's talk Speedway. Voice your opinion and concerns. Kelly, Carol, myself, we are there to make you all comfortable with the fact that we plan to promote a first class Speedway program. Lets work together so Wednesday Night Speedway Racing becomes a event we all are proud of and look forward to being at.
Brad, Jaleen, Shawn, Robynn, Jason, Steve, Carrie bring your propaganda and promote your track and dates. Come up to the microphone and say hello. Push your own agenda. Industry Racing stands ready and willing to help promote your Speedway venues in any way possible.
Attendees should be aware that the Industry Hills Expo Center in cooperation with Industry Racing has invited several potential sponsors that have expressed a interest in rider sponsorship for the 2012 season. They will be looking over the field so a professional appearance and attitude may get you more that a delicious meal and good time.
If we the Speedway community play our cards right we could start a annual event that would be held every January here at the "Pavilion Ballroom. A real Speedway Banquet for all the tracks. Think about the possibilities.
We are all in this sport together and together we can. See you there. And thanks again for supporting American Speedway.
Howie Zechner
Industry Racing Press Officer howie@industryracing.com
Speedway Fan and more.
Appreciate you listening.
Any rider wishing to display their Speedway Bike is welcome to do so. E-mail me for details.
Any sponsor wishing to display their banner we welcome. E-mail me for details.
howie@razvideo.com (December 16, 2011)
Kelly Inman named Director of Speedway
Former Expo Center Co-Promoter Kelly Inman named Race Director of Speedway Motorcycle Racing at the Industry Hills Grand Arena
The apple didn't fall far from the tree. Mom Shirley ran the pits at Ascot, Costa Mesa and Glen Helen for 28 years. Dad Bob sold parts at the track, pitted for Allen Christian and sponsored Billy Hamill in the early days of his European career; Inman is a respected name in Speedway racing. Continuing the family tradition Kelly's credentials are just as impeccable.
- 1968 - Started going to Speedway with mom and dad
- 1969 - Gene Woods moves in next door. At 14 he becomes Woods pit man.
- 1982 - First 500cc bike. Practices daily with local racer and friend Greg Hancock at Indian Dunes. Their 35-year-old friendship remains true.
- 1984 – Races Speedway four nights a week and ICE in the off-season.
- 1989 - Seriously injured during Handicap Main event at Ascot ends racing career.
- 1991 – Starts sponsoring riders.
- 1992 – Starts pitting full time. Works with Steve Russell, Scotty Brant, Chris Manchester, Greg Hancock, Kelly Moran, Josh Larsen, Jason Crump, and Tyson Burmeister. Puts ten U.S. National titles under his belt as the mechanic.
- 1993 to 1998 - Races Pro Formula 125 shifter carts
- 1998 - Races Sprint cars at Irwindale Speedway
- 1999 - Races Sprint cars at Perris Auto Speedway
- 1996-1999 – Team Manager X Factory Top Fuel Hydro Boat.
- 1999 – Races "Ultra Wheels" spec trucks
- 2005 -2006 - Speedway Co-Promoter at The Grand, City of Industry.
Currently runs Specialized Powder and Ceramic Coating
Kelly Inman will be in charge of The Lucky 13 Races stating May 30, 2012. Come join us for a whole new experience at America's premier Speedway facility.
For further information contact:
Howie Zechner 626.449.1175, howie@razvideo.com (December 5, 2011)