2015 Central U.S. Speedway News
July 17 - Wauseon Long Track - Results Here
Mid America News
Mid-America year end banquet
Our year end award banquet is this Saturday, November 14th from 5-8pm. The event will be held at Sunrise Bowl which is located at 10809 East US 136 in Clermont, IN. Just like last year, everybody will get dinner, two games of bowling and bowling shoes at no charge. Awards are given to the top three in each class as long has they have entered a minimum of 51% of the races that were run. The room that we are using has a capacity of 100 people, so please send in your RSVP's early! When RSVP'ing, please consider the 100 person limit as we are quickly approaching the maximum number of attendees. Please e-mail RSVP's to info@midamspeedway.com or text 317.871.4392. When texting, please include your name and the number of attendees.
Open Practice this Saturday
We realize that many riders and their families have a couple hour drive to make it to the banquet this Saturday, and wanted to let everybody know that there will be an open practice this Saturday from 11am-3:00pm. Cost is $15 per rider, or $25 for two related family members. Please note that we will need to end practice promptly at 3:00pm so that we can set up for the banquet.
2016 Schedule
Once AMA Pro-Racing releases their schedule, we will release our 2016 schedule.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
$500 to win the Open Bike class at this Saturday
The Halloween race at Mid-America is always one of the best attended events of the season. Just like last year, the open bike class will be a 25 lap main event and will pay $500 to win. With the AMA Pro Series ending their season with a short track in Las Vegas, we expect to see several GNC1 and GNC2 riders in attendance.
Gonzocross October 29th
New to Mid-America in 2015 is our Gonzo Cross series. Round two of the series will be held on Thursday, October 29th. It is no coincidence that is scheduled for the same weekend of the Ironman GNCC scheduled for October 31st (Quads), and November 1st (Bikes). We also have a verbal commitment from Racer X TV to televise the event at a later date. More info about this event can be found on the Gonzo Cross Facebook page.
Track Concessions
We have had a concession stand at most of the events this year, and will have them at the remaining events. The folks that run the stand are having a ball, but they are a business, and need to sell product to keep coming back. If you are able, please support them so that they continue to support us.
Mid-America year end banquet
Our year end awards banquet will be held at Sunrise Bowl which is located at East 10809 US 136 in Clermont, IN on November 14th from 5p-8p. Awards are given to the top three in each class as long has they have entered a minimum of 51% of the races that were run. The room that we are using has a capacity of 100 people, so please send in your RSVP's early! There is no charge to attend, but considering the 100 person limit, we ask that attendees are limited to immediate family members. Please email RSVP's to info@midamspeedway.com or text 317.871.4392. When texting, please include your name and the number of attendees.
Important Times - Gates Open: 12:00 - Signup Opens: 2:30 - Riders Briefing: 4:30 - Practice:5:00 - Heats: 7:00*
(If practice is completed early enough, and the track is ready, we will start heats as early at 6:30)
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
Upcoming Events at Mid-America
Unfortunately last weekend's event was a rain off. However there are still three more events on the oval, and two other unique events. October 17th and 24th are regular points nights, and then what may be the most popular race of the season is our 6th Annual Halloween Race on October 31st.
Shelina Moreda is once again bringing her Girlz Motocamp to Mid-America on October 24th and 25th. The Girlz Motocamp will run on Saturday morning, and then they are going to take a break to allow us to prep the oval, and then continue the school on Sunday.
Also new to Mid-America is our Gonzo Cross series. Round two of the series will be held on Thursday, October 29th. It is no coincidence that it is scheduled for the same weekend of the Ironman GNCC scheduled for October 31st (Quads), and November 1st (Bikes). We also have a verbal commitment from Racer X TV to televise the event at a later date. While we do not have classes for some of the smaller bikes, we are building a haunted mini-bike trail that can easily be navigated by the riders on smaller machines.
Pre-Entry for both the flat track and Gonzocross race is available for all of our events at the following links: Flat track Link Gonzo Cross Link. The pre-enter process is very simple and saves time at signup, especially if it is your first time attending Mid-America. Also, no entry fees are collected until you arrive at the track and you collect your practice tickets. Please note that pre-entry closes approximately 24 hours prior to each event.
Track Concessions
We have had a concession stand at most of the events this year, and will have them at the remaining events. The folks that run the stand are having a ball, but they are a business, and need to sell product to keep coming back. If you are able, please support them so that they continue to support us.
Important Times for Remaining Oval Events
Gates Open: 12:00 - Signup Opens: 2:30 - Riders Briefing: 4:30 - Practice :5:00 - Heats: 7:00*
(If practice is completed early enough, and the track is ready, we will start heats as early as 6:30)
Times for the Gonzo Cross Event
Gates Open: 2:00pm - Signup Opens: 5:00-6:45 - Riders Briefing: 7:00 - Heats: 7:15
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Mid America News
September 26th Wrap up
According to feedback from the riders, last night's event saw one of the best tracks that we have ever had at Mid-America. There were a total of 105 riders which broke down to 24 heats, and 18 main events. Even with two rain delays, the program was finished before 10pm. The big winners of the night were Joe Ratz who won both the 450 and Open Bike classes, and Kenny McCullough who won his 50 shaft heat and main with turn four passes on the final lap to take the win. The 50 shaft rarely gets mentioned, and the riders had everyone on their feet at the checkers! The current class of 50 shaft and chain riders have been putting on some great races this year and it is going to be great to watch these kids move up through the ranks over the upcoming seasons.
October 3rd Event
Following the conclusion of last nights event, we graded the track in order to make it even better for the October 3rd event. This is our annual Vintage Heavy Night where we feature the Heavy Vintage Class. Throughout the season, we pick a handful of classes to be featured throughout the season, and add a $100 bonus to the winner. For the past several seasons, Vintage Heavy has been one of the classes that becomes part of the bonus program. The catch with our Vintage Heavy Night, is that we bonus the winner $100 per cylinder. Nobody has ever won the class on a multi-cylinder engine, but several have come close. Could this be the year that a multi-cylinder machine wins?
Track Concessions
We have had a concession stand at most of the events this year, and will have them at the remaining events. The folks that run the stand are having a ball, but they are a business, and need to sell product to keep coming back. If you are able, please support them so that they continue to support us.
Upcoming Events at Mid-America
After last weekend's event, there are still four more events on the oval, and two unique events. Shelina Moreda is once again bringing her Girlz Motocamp on October 24th and 25th. The Girlz Motocamp will run on Saturday morning, and then they are going to take a break to allow us to prep the oval, and then continue the school on Sunday. Also new to Mid-America is our Gonzo Cross series. Round two of the series will be held on Thursday, October 29th. It is no coincidence that it is scheduled for the same weekend of the Ironman GNCC scheduled for October 31st (Quads), and November 1st (Bikes). We also have a verbal commitment from Racer X TV to televise the event at a later date.
Mid America News
September 26th Event at Mid-America
It has been almost a month since we have raced at Mid-America with the last race being held on August 29th. We have graded the track several times since the last event and it should be in prime condition for this Saturday's event. The weather forecast is just about perfect and the cooler temps will only make the track better.
Track Concessions
We have had a concession stand at most of the events this year, and will have them at the remaining events. The folks that run the stand are having a ball, but they are a business, and need to sell product to keep coming back. If you are able, please support them so that they continue to support us.
Frankfort, Indiana Half-Mile
The fair board at the Clinton County Fairgrounds asked that we give a well deserved thank you to all of the riders that attended the September 12th event. They were impressed enough that we are in negotiations to host one or two events in 2016. As you are reading this, they are converting the track to a limestone surface which should make the racing even better. We were thrilled that other than two cases where riders fell down during the start, not a single rider went down at racing speed. My highlight of the day was riding Ben Knight's beautiful XR750. While some gremlins appeared during practice, it was a thrill to ride an XR and one that I will never forget. Thank you Ben!
Upcoming Events at Mid-America
After this weekend's event, there are still four more events on the oval, and two unique events. Shelina Moreda is once again bringing her Girlz Motocamp on October 24th and 25th. The Girlz Motocamp will run on Saturday morning, and then they are going to take a break to allow us to prep the oval, and then continue the school on Sunday. Also new to Mid-America is our Gonzo Cross series. Round two of the series will be held on Thursday, October 29th. It is no coincidence that it is scheduled for the same weekend of the Ironman GNCC scheduled for October 31st (Quads), and November 1st (Bikes). We also have a verbal commitment from Racer X TV to televise the event at a later date.
Important Times for Remaining Events
Gates Open: 12:00 - Signup Opens: 2:30 - Riders Briefing: 4:30 - Practice:5:00 - Heats: 7:00*
(If practice is completed early enough, and the track is ready, we will start heats as early at 6:30)
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
2015 Schedule
September 26 Mid-America Points
October 3 Vintage Heavy Night $100 bonus per cylinder to the winning rider
October 17 Mid-America Points Night
October 24 Mid-America Points Night
October 24-25 Shelina Moreda's Girlz Motocamp
October 29 Gonzo Cross at Mid-America
October 31 6th Annual Halloween Race. $400 to win the Open Class
November 14 Awards Banquet at Sunrise Bowl, Clermont, IN. RSVP's required
Mid America News
August 29th Event at Mid-America
The green flags fly again on Saturday, August 29th for our next event. This is a regular points night event, and all of our regular classes will be running. This event marks the halfway point of the season, and to be eligible for a year end award a rider must enter one half of the races that are run.
Frankfort, Indiana Half-Mile
The following race is at the Clinton County half-mile in Frankfort, IN on September 12. The event is being held in conjunction with the three day Hoosier Bike Rally which is shaping up to be a huge event with a bike show, bands and food. The event is being put on by the Mid-America staff, and it certainly looks like this could lead to us returning to Clinton County if the event is successful. Please note that we will run all of our regular classes and a twins class. Practice will start at 10:00am, and we will go to the heats immediately after practice. We do have to be done by 6:00 so that spectators can enjoy the bands, and the riders can attend the rally.
Important Times for August Events
Gates Open: 12:00,
Signup Opens: 2:30,
Riders Briefing: 4:00,
Heats: 7:00
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
MotoGP Weekend
Once again, Mid-America will host Round 10 of the AMA Vintage Dirt Track National Championship Series sponsored by Harley-Davidson of Indiana on Saturday, August 8th.
In addition to the classes that make up the AMA Vintage Dirt Track National Series, we will be running the following classes:
Astro Shootout-Open to any Bultaco Astro. Minimum age of 30
Vintage Shootout -open to any 250-360cc machine up through 1989 model years. Two or four strokes are permitted, and must have period correct suspension. Minimum age of 16.
50cc Chain $75 for 1st, $50 for 2nd, and $25 for 3rd (paid to parent)
85-200cc two/four stroke Youth
Super Senior 50+(modern or vintage motorcycles)
250cc two/four stroke (Money)
Open Motorcycle (Money)
Speedway (Money)
Pre-entries are not required, but are very much appreciated as they make the sign up process much smoother. Payment is not collected until the day of the event. The pre-entry link is: http://midamspeedway.com/natppreentry.php
Entry fees will be for $35 for all adult classes, except for the Astro shootout which has no entry fee. Entry fee for 50cc, and 85-200 is $25. Pit Passes will be $10 for age 10+, $5 for age 5-9, and no charge for age 4 and under. Grandstand passes will be $10 for all ages 10+, and $5 for age 5-9.
Upcoming Events
Mid-America is taking a two week break until our August 29th event. The following race is at the Clinton County half-mile in Frankfort, IN on September 12. The event is being held in conjunction with the three day Hoosier Bike Rally which is shaping up to be a huge event with a bike show, bands and food. The event is being put on by the Mid-America staff, and it certainly looks like this could lead to us returning to Clinton County if the event is successful. Please note that we will run all of our regular classes and a twins class. Practice will start at 10:00am, and we will go to the heats immediately after practice. We do have to be done by 6:00 so that spectators can enjoy the bands, and the riders can attend the rally.
Important Times for August Events
Gates Open: 12:00, Signup Opens: 2:30, Riders Briefing: 4:00, Practice:4:30, Heats: 7:00
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
Night Before the Indy Mile Wrap Up
The Mid-America Night before the Indy provided a challenge for the crew due to all of the rain that we received. The night featured $1500 to win the Open Pro and $1000 to win the Dash for Cash and another $500 if you were using a D&D Exhaust. Both of which were dominated by National Number 6 Factory Harley-Davidson rider Brad Baker. Brad was followed closely in the Open Pro main by his older brother Scott Baker. Steve Bonsey, Sam Halbert and Kayle Kolkman rounded out the top 5. All 14 riders who started the Open Pro main event are current professional riders with the one exception of former Expert Rich King. Needless to say the field was stacked for this event. Click here to results for a full rundown of those riders that tried to qualify into the main.
The night also saw Rich King edge out Rob Gessner for the win in the Super Senior 50+ class. This is always an exciting class to watch as it features a nice mix of former pro's and amateur riders. A tough bunch on any race night.
Jackie Mitchell took the top spot in the Mike O'Neil Indian Arrow Class. Mike brought his fleet of beautiful 1949 Indian Arrow bikes again this year. Charlie Roberts, Rob Gessner & Andy McRoberts were a few of the guys aboard those fine machines. Always a treat to see the bikes and a few top name riders from the past on the track.
Upcoming Events
Our next event is Saturday, August 1st. This is our annual 30+ Night, where a $100 bonus will be paid to the winner of the 30+ class.
MotoGP Weekend
Once again, Mid-America will host Round 10 of the AMA Vintage Dirt Track National Championship Series sponsored by Harley-Davidson of Indiana on Saturday, August 8th.
In addition to the classes that make up the AMA Vintage Dirt Track National Series, we will be running the following classes:
Astro Shootout-Open to any Bultaco Astro. Minimum age of 30
Vintage Shootout -open to any 250-360cc machine up through 1989 model years. Two or four strokes are permitted, and must have period correct suspension. Minimum age of 16.
85-200cc two/four stroke Youth
Super Senior 50+(modern or vintage motorcycles)
250cc two/four stroke (Money)
Open Motorcycle (Money)
Pre-entries are not required, but are very much appreciated as they make the sign up process much smoother. Payment is not collected until the day of the event. The pre-entry link is: http://midamspeedway.com/natppreentry.php
Entry fees will be for $35 for all adult classes, except for the Astro shootout which has no entry fee. Entry fee for 85-200 is $25. Pit Passes will be $10 for age 10+, $5 for age 5-9, and no charge for age 4 and under. Grandstand passes will be $10 for all ages 5+. Pre-entry for all riders in all classes is available at the pre-entry page on the Mid-America Website.
Important Times for August Events
Gates Open: 12:00
Signup Opens: 2:30
Riders Briefing: 4:00
Heats: 7:00
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America during the MotoGP weekend. Nichole Mees will be putting on a girls only school on Friday, August 7th from 1-9. There will be a Short track school on Sunday, August 9th, and a TT school on Monday, August 10. Anyone that pre-enters any of the schools will receive a complimentary pit pass for the August 8th event at Mid-America. For more information on Ride Academy, you can visit their website at: Rideacademy.com Clicking on the schedule page will provide detailed information regarding their schedule during the MotoGP weekend.
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway

Mid America News
Press release courtesy of Mike "Stu" Stuhler
In what has become a big weekend of stellar racing, Mid-America Speedway on Indianapolis' southeast side will again be showcasing our 'Night Before the Indy Mile' short track event that will feature the stars of AMA Pro Flat Track who will be returning to the AMA Pro Flat Track Grand National Championship Indy Mile round on Saturday, July 11.
Sponsored by Jeff Stevens and Harley-Davidson of Bloomington, IN., the evening's races will see returning riders including last year's Open Pro Class winner and 2013 AMA Grand National Champion Brad Baker, and previous Open Pro Class winner and current AMA Grand National Champion Jared Mees. Other riders expected to return to action at the track located on Indianapolis' southeast side at the Marion County Fairgrounds are Sammy Halbert, Henry Wiles, long-time track regular and Morton, IL. resident Rob 'Bugs' Pearson, Jarod Vanderkooi, and Australian Mick Kirkness, among others. This year's big race will see $1500 going to the winner, and Miriam Deitcher's Flat Track Live and D&D Exhaust will be sponsoring a special 'Dash for Cash' race that will provide $1K to win, and an extra $500 to win if the rider is running a D&D Exhaust system. Riders will be competing on 450cc-class DTX-spec machinery and some will be rolling out their framer mounts, just like Mees did to win the 2011-13 Open Pro Class events.
Other classes that will be contested at Mid-America during the 'Night Before the Indy Mile' race will be Open Quad, Open Bike, Open Amateur, 50cc, 65cc, 80-200 cc (two or four stroke), Youth, 250cc Money, Vet 30+, Vet 50+, Vintage Light (0-350cc), and Vintage Heavy (351cc+). Note that a rider may enter either Open Pro or Open Amateur, but NOT both. And as a special treat Mike O'Neil will be returning again this year with his fleet of 1949 Indian Arrow 250cc racers for a special race that will see former AMA Grand National greats like Charlie Roberts, Indiana's Jackie Mitchell and current AMA Pro Flat Track sponsor Tommy Duma racing aboard the little singles.
Entry fees will be for $40 for the Open Class, $30 for adult classes, and $25 for youth classes. Pit Passes will be $10 for age 10+, $5 for age 5-9, and no charge for age 4 and under. Please note that pit passes will go to $25 at 5:00 PM. Grandstand passes will be $10 for all ages 5+. Pre-entry for all riders in all classes is available on Mid-America's website.
Mid-America will also be seeing Mike Hacker's RIDE Academy return to the track this year for two special class sessions, the first of which will take place on Sunday, July 12 and see AMA Pro Flat Track riders including Baker, Nichole Mees, Kenny Coolbeth, Ryan Wells, Cody John Cox and Hacker as class instructors. The second time RIDE Academy returns will be on August 10 after the Red Bull Indianapolis MotoGP weekend. Any rider that commits to the July 10th RIDE Academy at Mid-America will receive a complimentary pit-pass for the Night Before the Indy Mile event on July 10th. The RIDE Academy instructors will also be on hand on July 10th to assist riders with any questions that they may have.
Gates open at 2:30 PM EDT, first practice starts at 4:30 PM and the first heat race will roll off the line at 7:00 PM. We hope to see you there for what will again be another exciting and star-studded evening of racing at Mid-America Speedway's 'Night Before the Indy Mile' event at the Marion County Fairgrounds on Indy's southeast side!
Important Times
Gates Open: 12:00 Signup Opens: 2:30 Riders Briefing: 4:00 Practice:4:30 Heats: 7:00
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America twice in 2015. The first date is July 12th which is the Sunday after the Indy Mile. They then return on August 10th on the Monday after the Indianapolis MotoGP. July 12th will be on the Mid-America Oval, and August 10th will be on a soon to be constructed TT course. Anybody who signs up for July 12th, will get a complimentary pit pass on July 10th. Signing up for RA on August 10th, will get you a free pit pass for August 8th.
Indy Mile
Family Events who is promoting the Duquoin and Indy Miles has tickets on sale for the Indy Mile at www.indymile.com
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
2015 marks Mid-America Speedway's eighth season, however it was nine years ago that we put on our first race at the Marion County Fairgrounds during the Marion County Fair. The ninth annual Marion County Fair race is scheduled for this Saturday, June 20th, and is always a favorite of our riders and spectators.
2015 Night before the Indy Mile
The Indy Mile is one month earlier on Saturday, July 11th this year, and once again, Mid-America is running in conjunction with the Mile. The Mid-America event is scheduled for Friday, July 10th and will pay $1500 to win the Open Class. We currently have commitments from Brad Baker, Jared Mees and Sammy Halbert. There will be a limited class schedule in order to ensure that we are finished in 2-3 hours. Classes that we are running are Open Bike, 50cc, 65cc, 80-200 (two or four stroke) Youth, 250cc Money, Vet 30+, Vet 50+, Vintage Light(0-350cc) and Vintage Heavy (351cc+) and Open Quad
Entry fees will be for $40 for the Open Class, $30 for adult classes, and $25 for youth classes. Pit Passes will be $10 for age 10+, $5 for age 5-9, and no charge for age 4 and under. Please note that entry fees will go to $25 at 5:00. Grandstand passes will be $10 for all ages 5+.
Important Times
Gates Open: 12:00 Signup Opens: 2:30
Riders Briefing: June, July & August:4:00
Riders Briefing: Sept & October: 4:30
Practice: June, July & August:4:30
Practice: Sept & October: 5:00 Heats: 7:00
Gonzo Cross at Mid-America
The fair board asked the staff of Mid-America to come up with an event on the Wednesday of the fair. We considered doing a flat track race, but considering the distances that people travel, we didn't feel that folks would have time in their schedules to make the trip. However, we do know that their are a lot of off road riders that live within 90 minutes of Indianapolis so we came up with Gonzo Cross, named after our friends at Gonzorider.com.
What is Gonzo Cross? The text below was posted on the Gonzo Cross FB page:
We are not completely sure yet but we have one goal: FUN..... How can we go wrong? The riders get to play with their bikes all afternoon while the wife and kids go to the fair. Dirt bikes and Corn Dogs, we are already winning.
So we plan on building some sort of race course, it's going to be a fun easy track. Yes the word "Enduro Cross" has been used, but that's not accurate, the Gonzo Cross course will be much easier and we won't use any big bike eating rocks, safe for you, safe for your bike.
As the racing progresses through the show, we will gradually make the track tougher and tougher. We don't have details yet, but expect a bunch of fun easy riding early and some trickier riding coming at the end.
Classes, we are going to have a MX class. This is for MX riders only. No Off Road guys. We want to invite and share with the MX guys, introduce them to a new style of riding and an evening of fun. So please encourage your MX buddies to come ride. The course will be fun and their skills will build as the evening progresses.
Kids under 12 class. I don't think the little kids on PW50s will work, but bigger mini bikes should work, we will make the track as safe as we can for the little guy's and girls.
250 Class Two Stroke/Four Stroke
450 Class Two Stroke/Four Stroke
Vet over 35
Industry Class. You must work in the motorcycle industry at some level. This is for shop employees and series promoters. We will have a trophy for this class and the shop who wins will have some pretty strong bragging rights.
We are open to adding more classes, please tell us what you would like to see. We are open to your ideas on track design so please share.
We are hoping to have 20 riders in each class, that will get narrowed down to a 10 rider final. So if you are in a popular class, sign up now. Also, before signing up realize this is not a serious race, this is a fun event and all sorts of things will happen and go wrong. If you are a stickler about rules and serious racing, this may not be the race for you, but by all means please come watch, it will make you smile.
Share all this with your friends, either come out to ride or come to watch, we promise a nice evening at the Fair. We also need volunteers of all sorts, please contact us with your skill sets. We need track materials too!
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America twice in 2015. The first date is July 12th which is the Sunday after the Indy Mile. They then return on August 10th on the Monday after the Indianapolis MotoGP. July 12th will be on the Mid-America Oval, and August 10th will be on a soon to be constructed TT course. Anybody who signs up for July 12th, will get a complimentary pit pass on July 10th. Signing up for RA on August 10th, will get you a free pit pass for August 8th.
Indy Mile
Family Events who is promoting the Duquoin and Indy Miles has tickets on sale for the Indy Mile at www.indymile.com
July 17 - Speedway Long Track National Championship - Wauseon, Ohio
Results Here July 17 - Wauseon
Mid America News
Double Points on June 6th/Free practice June 7th
The spring race at Mid-America has always been popular, but we have always considered the first Saturday in June to be the real kickoff to the season. To get everybody excited about the 2015 season, June 6th will pay double points. Also, we are going to have an open practice on June 7th. Practice is free for anybody that attends the June 6th event.
Important Times
Gates Open: 12:00 Signup Opens: 2:30
Riders Briefing: June, July & August:4:00
Riders Briefing: Sept & October: 4:30
Practice: June, July & August:4:30
Practice: Sept & October: 5:00 Heats: 7:00
Gonzo Cross at Mid-America
The fair board asked the staff of Mid-America to come up with an event on the Wednesday of the fair. We considered doing a flat track race, but considering the distances that people travel, we didn't feel that folks would have time in their schedules to make the trip. However, we do know that their are a lot of off road riders that live within 90 minutes of Indianapolis so we came up with Gonzo Cross, named after our friends at Gonzorider.com.
What is Gonzo Cross? The text below was posted on the Gonzo Cross FB page:
We are not completely sure yet but we have one goal: FUN..... How can we go wrong? The riders get to play with their bikes all afternoon while the wife and kids go to the fair. Dirt bikes and Corn Dogs, we are already winning.
So we plan on building some sort of race course, it's going to be a fun easy track. Yes the word "Enduro Cross" has been used, but that's not accurate, the Gonzo Cross course will be much easier and we won't use any big bike eating rocks, safe for you, safe for your bike.
As the racing progresses through the show, we will gradually make the track tougher and tougher. We don't have details yet, but expect a bunch of fun easy riding early and some trickier riding coming at the end.
Classes, we are going to have a MX class. This is for MX riders only. No Off Road guys. We want to invite and share with the MX guys, introduce them to a new style of riding and an evening of fun. So please encourage your MX buddies to come ride. The course will be fun and their skills will build as the evening progresses.
Kids under 12 class. I don't think the little kids on PW50s will work, but bigger mini bikes should work, we will make the track as safe as we can for the little guy's and girls.
250 Class Two Stroke/Four Stroke
450 Class Two Stroke/Four Stroke
Vet over 35
Industry Class. You must work in the motorcycle industry at some level. This is for shop employees and series promoters. We will have a trophy for this class and the shop who wins will have some pretty strong bragging rights.
We are open to adding more classes, please tell us what you would like to see. We are open to your ideas on track design so please share.
We are hoping to have 20 riders in each class, that will get narrowed down to a 10 rider final. So if you are in a popular class, sign up now. Also, before signing up realize this is not a serious race, this is a fun event and all sorts of things will happen and go wrong. If you are a stickler about rules and serious racing, this may not be the race for you, but by all means please come watch, it will make you smile.
Share all this with your friends, either come out to ride or come to watch, we promise a nice evening at the Fair.
We also need volunteers of all sorts, please contact us with your skill sets. We need track materials too!
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America twice in 2015. The first date is July 12th which is the Sunday after the Indy Mile. They then return on August 10th on the Monday after the Indianapolis MotoGP. July 12th will be on the Mid-America Oval, and August 10th will be on a soon to be constructed TT course. Anybody who signs up for July 12th, will get a complimentary pit pass on July 10th. Signing up for RA on August 10th, will get you a free pit pass for August 8th.
Indy Mile
Family Events who is promoting the Duquoin and Indy Miles has tickets on sale for the Indy Mile at www.indymile.com
Flat Track at the 2015 X-Games
Last May, Harley-Davidson filmed a commercial at Mid-America featuring the new 750 Street. Near the end of the commercial viewers were asked to use the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack in their social media posts. Earlier this month it was announced that flat track would be a part of the 2015 X-Games. This is huge news for the sport. Please support the sport by encouraging friends and family to watch and comment on the various Facebook and Twitter posts using the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack. The folks at Harley-Davidson and the X-Games monitor social media and this is definitely a move closer toward the mainstream for the sport.
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
Today's event (May 9) at Mid-America has been reschedule for next Saturday, May 16th due to the weather forecast. We are also looking for volunteers to share flagging duties and help with watering.
Double Points on June 6th/Free practice June 7th
The spring race at Mid-America has always been popular, but we have always considered the first Saturday in June to be the real kickoff to the season. To get everybody excited about the 2015 season, June 6th will pay double points. Also, we are going to have an open practice on June 7th. Practice is free for anybody that attends the June 6th event.
Important Times
Gates Open: 12:00 - Signup Opens: 2:30
Riders Briefing: June, July & August:4:00 -
Riders Briefing: Sept & October: 4:30
Practice: June, July & August:4:30 -
Practice: Sept & October: 5:00
Heats: 7:00
Gonzo Cross at Mid-America
The fair board asked the staff of Mid-America to come up with an event on the Wednesday of the fair. We considered doing a flat track race, but considering the distances that people travel, we didn't feel that folks would have time in their schedules to make the trip. However, we do know that their are a lot of off road riders that live within 90 minutes of Indianapolis so we came up with Gonzo Cross, named after our friends at Gonzorider.com.
What is Gonzo Cross? The text below was posted on the Gonzo Cross FB page:
We are not completely sure yet but we have one goal: FUN..... How can we go wrong? The riders get to play with their bikes all afternoon while the wife and kids go to the fair. Dirt bikes and Corn Dogs, we are already winning.
So we plan on building some sort of race course, it's going to be a fun easy track. Yes the word "EnduroCross" has been used, but that's not accurate, the Gonzo Cross course will be much easier and we won't use any big bike eating rocks, safe for you, safe for your bike.
As the racing progresses through the show, we will gradually make the track tougher and tougher. We don't have details yet, but expect a bunch of fun easy riding early and some trickier riding coming at the end.
Classes, we are going to have a MX class. This is for MX riders only. No Off Road guys. We want to invite and share with the MX guys, introduce them to a new style of riding and an evening of fun. So please encourage your MX buddies to come ride. The course will be fun and their skills will build as the evening progresses.
Kids under 12 class. I don't think the little kids on PW50s will work, but bigger mini bikes should work, we will make the track as safe as we can for the little guy's and girls.
250 Class Two Stroke/Four Stroke
450 Class Two Stroke/Four Stroke
Vet over 35
Industry Class. You must work in the motorcycle industry at some level. This is for shop employees and series promoters. We will have a trophy for this class and the shop who wins will have some pretty strong bragging rights.
We are open to adding more classes, please tell us what you would like to see. We are open to your ideas on track design so please share.
We are hoping to have 20 riders in each class, that will get narrowed down to a 10 rider final. So if you are in a popular class, sign up now. Also, before signing up realize this is not a serious race, this is a fun event and all sorts of things will happen and go wrong. If you are a stickler about rules and serious racing, this may not be the race for you, but by all means please come watch, it will make you smile.
Share all this with your friends, either come out to ride or come to watch, we promise a nice evening at the Fair.
We also need volunteers of all sorts, please contact us with your skill sets. We need track materials too!
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America twice in 2015. The first date is July 12th which is the Sunday after the Indy Mile. They then return on August 10th on the Monday after the Indianapolis MotoGP. July 12th will be on the Mid-America Oval, and August 10th will be on a soon to be constructed TT course. Anybody who signs up for July 12th, will get a complimentary pit pass on July 10th. Signing up for RA on August 10th, will get you a free pit pass for August 8th.
Indy Mile
Family Events who is promoting the Duquoin and Indy Miles has tickets on sale for the Indy Mile at www.indymile.com
Flat Track at the 2015 X-Games
Last May, Harley-Davidson filmed a commercial at Mid-America featuring the new 750 Street. Near the end of the commercial viewers were asked to use the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack in their social media posts. Earlier this month it was announced that flat track would be a part of the 2015 X-Games. This is huge news for the sport. Please support the sport by encouraging friends and family to watch and comment on the various Facebook and Twitter posts using the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack. The folks at Harley-Davidson and the X-Games monitor social media and this is definitely a move closer toward the mainstream for the sport.
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
Today's event at Mid-America (April 25) has been reschedule for next Saturday, May 2nd due to the rain, and the forecast calling for more rain.
Free Practice May 9th - There will be an open practice on Saturday, May 9th from 5pm-10pm. We are looking for volunteers to sign up to share flagging duties.
Important Times
Gates Open: 12:00 Signup Opens: 2:30
April, May, Sept & October:
Riders Briefing 4:30 Practice: 5:00
June, July & August
Riders Briefing: 4:00 Practice: 5:00
Heats: 7:00
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America twice in 2015. The first date is July 12th which is the Sunday after the Indy Mile. They then return on August 10th on the Monday after the Indianapolis MotoGP. July 12th will be on the Mid-America Oval, and August 10th will be on a soon to be constructed TT course. Anybody who signs up for July 12th, will get a complimentary pit pass on July 10th. Signing up for RA on August 10th, will get you a free pit pass for August 8th.
Indy Mile
Family Events who is promoting the Duquoin and Indy Miles has tickets on sale for the Indy Mile at www.indymile.com
Flat Track at the 2015 X-Games
Last May, Harley-Davidson filmed a commercial at Mid-America featuring the new 750 Street. Near the end of the commercial viewers were asked to use the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack in their social media posts. Earlier this month it was announced that flat track would be a part of the 2015 X-Games. This is huge news for the sport. Please support the sport by encouraging friends and family to watch and comment on the various Facebook and Twitter posts using the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack. The folks at Harley-Davidson and the X-Games monitor social media and this is definitely a move closer toward the mainstream for the sport.
Directions to Mid-America
Mid-America Speedway is located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the Marion County Fairgrounds. From 465, take exit 49 and go to the first light and turn left, continue approximately 3/4 of a mile, and go over the overpass. Bear to the left of the base of the overpass, and the entrance to Mid-America is 1/4 mile on the left.
Thank you for your support
The Staff of Mid-America Speedway
Mid America News
The 8th Season at Mid-America kicks off in eleven days. We have been busy prepping the track in preparation of our first event, and plan on doing even more in the coming days to get the riders and fans excited about 2015.
While the schedule looks similar to previous years, there are some significant changes. The schedule is posted to the right, but please note that May 2nd will only be run if April 25th is a rain off. After the Spring kick off, we will take a little over a month off as the weather in Indiana is very unpredictable in May. Many people call June 6th the real start of the season. This event pays $100 to the winning bike owner in the 80-200 class. Next on the schedule is our the 9th annual fair race on June 20th. This is a special event for us because if the very first Marion Co. Fair race on an overcast Wednesday in 2006 would not have happened, it is highly unlikely that Mid-America would exist today.
With the Indy Mile, moving to Saturday, July 11th, the decision was made to move our fourth event of the season to Friday, July 10th. Once again, this event will host many of the top GNC1 and GNC2 riders, and will pay $1500 to win the Open Class. Last year Brad Baker ended Jared Mees' total domination of this event after a three year win streak. It will certainly be interesting to see who comes out on top this year. There will be limited classes this night as we need to finish no later than 10:00pm so that the GNC riders can rest up for the Indy Mile.
The racing continues on the following Saturday, July 18th with $100 going to the winner of Super Sr/50+, $50 to second place, and $25 to the oldest finisher in the Main Event! We then take a week off and go green once again on August 1st for Vet 30+ Night, with $100 going to the winner. One week later on August 8th is Round 10 of the AMA Vintage Dirt Track Nationals and coincides with the MotoGP weekend at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Along with the Vintage bikes, we will also be running the Astro's and all of our regular classes with the exception of Vintage Light and Heavy. Some pretty big names have already committed to attend. One common theme among all of the "big name" riders is that the "owner/turner is building me one fast machine just for this race". More information on this event will be published as the event gets closer.
We then take a two week break and continue on August 29th for a "Regular" points night. Two weeks later on September 12th, we are going to move about an hour north of Indianapolis and go to the ever popular Clinton County Fairgrounds 1/2 mile in Frankfort, IN. This event will run in conjunction with the Hoosier Bike Rally. The will be a day event as this is going to be a huge motorcycle festival, and the bands start at 7:00pm. Apparently, there is concern that multiple twin cylinder motorcycles on a half mile will drown out the bands. If you are still reading at this point, there is little doubt which one you would rather hear. The fair board is also in the process of making Frankfort a limestone track, and they are excited about motorcycles returning to Clinton County. If this event is successful, it could be the first of many events at Frankfort.
Next on the schedule is September 26th which is a points night, followed by October 3rd which will pay $100 per cylinder to the winner of Vintage Heavy. October 17th and 24th are points nights, followed up with our season finale Halloween race on October 31st. Years ago we decided to get into the Halloween spirit and encourage riders and fans to bring their Halloween costumes and it took off like wild fire as this is one of the most popular events of the year. The Open class will also run 25 laps with a minimum of $400 to win.
The awards banquet will be on November 14th at the Sunrise Bowl in Clermont, IN. We have always kept the banquet a free event to attend, and this is the plan again this year. We will be doing 50/50 raffles at many of the events to help offset the costs, and plan on doing the same this year.
Once again, thank you for supporting Mid-America for the previous seven seasons. Without the great group of riders, fans, and volunteers we would never have made it this long.
Important Times
Gates Open: 12:00
Signup 2:30
Riders Briefing 4:30 (April, May, Sept. & October)
Riders Briefing 4:00 (June, July & August)
Practice 5:00 (April, May, Sept. & October)
Practice 5:30 (June, July & August)
Heats: 7:00
Ride Academy at Mid-America
Mike Hacker will be bringing his Ride Academy to Mid-America twice in 2015. The first date is July 12th which is the Sunday after the Indy Mile. They then return on August 10th on the Monday after the Indianapolis MotoGP. July 12th will be on the Mid-America Oval, and August 10th will be on a soon to be constructed TT course. Anybody who signs up for July 12th, will get a complimentary pit pass on July 10th. Signing up for RA on August 10th, will get you a free pit pass for August 8th.
Indy Mile
Family Events who is promoting the Duquoin and Indy Miles has tickets on sale for the Indy Mile at www.indymile.com
Flat Track at the 2015 X-Games
Last May, Harley-Davidson filmed a commercial at Mid-America featuring the new 750 Street. Near the end of the commercial viewers were asked to use the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack in their social media posts. In what may have been one of the worst kept flat track secrets, earlier today it was announced that flat track would be a part of the 2015 X-Games. This is huge news for the sport. Please support the sport by encouraging friends and family to watch and comment on the various Facebook and Twitter posts using the hashtag #XGamesFlatTrack. The folks at Harley-Davidson and the X-Games monitor social media and this is definitely a move closer toward the mainstream for the sport.
Open practice dates will be announced soon, most likely starting in July. Please watch the Mid-America website, Facebook, or follow us on Twitter: @MidAmSpeedway
Directions to Mid-America.
Mid America Speedway
Mid-America Motorcycle Speedway is located at the Marion County Fairgrounds in the southeast corner of Indianapolis at the intersection of I-465 and I-74. From any direction on I-465 take exit 49 and follow signs for "Marion County Fairgrounds."
The physical address of the fairgrounds is: 7300 East Troy Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46239. There is a new phone number to call or text us at, which is (317) 871-4392
For information regarding sponsorship, race information, practice information, or to be added to the mailing list, please e-mail to:info@midamspeedway.com