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2011 Central USA Speedway NewsMid-America News - Nov 2011Thank you to everybody that supported Mid-America's 2011 season. This has been without a doubt our best season ever and we could not have done it without your support. Most of the new riders that turn up tell us that they made the trip because another rider told them about the track and how much they enjoy Mid-America. Word of mouth advertising in much more effective than anything that we can do and we thank everybody for the positive comments. We also need to give a big thank you to our 2011 sponsors: Jeff Stevens of Harley-Davidson of Bloomington, Jeff loves motorcycle racing and has supported Mid-America since we first built the track. He has won many events in the Scream' Eagle Draggin Bagger and Screamin' Eagle V-Rod Destroyer classes in the All Harley Drag Racing Association, he also supported Jeremy McWilliams during this years AMA Pro Vance and Hines XR1200 round at Indianapolis Motorspeedway. He is also the long time sponsor of BJ Fesselmeyer who won every round of the Speedway class that he entered this year. David Boone of Indy's Restaurant, Bad Boy's Private Investigators, and Greenbriar Barbershop. Diane Poff from Jackson Oil & Solvents. Be sure to visit Jackson Oil's 24 hour refueling station where you can get C12, methanol and diesel 24 hours, 7 days a week. John Frazier Attorney, John is a racer himself, and when he is not at Mid-America, he is attending AMA Vintage Dirt Track Series events where he came home with a #1 plate. Rick Dorfmeyer from Tucker Rocky. Rick does not get to attend many of events at Mid-America due to his time spent working on his land speed record attempts. Rick went 197mph on a 600 Honda at Bonneville this year! 2012 Schedule Information Our final event of 2011 was the award's banquet which was held at Indy's Restaurant on 11/5. If you are anywhere near the west side of Indianapolis, be sure to stop by and grab a bite to eat and tell David Boone thank you for hosting the banquet. We also need to thank Dink and Dreyer Honda for donating gift certificates to all class winners. The 2012 schedule should be posted by mid-December as we are still waiting on AMA Pro Racing to finalize their schedule. Last year AMA Pro Racing announced their schedule on December 7th, 2010 which is only a little over three weeks away. Hopefully they have a schedule out around the same time and then we can get to work on our 2012 schedule. There will be 12-13 events on the 2012 schedule, and currently there are three dates that we know will be held. The 6th Annual Marion County Fair Race will be on Saturday, June 23rd instead of the traditional third Saturday in July. It is looking very likely that the Indy Mile will be run on August 18th, which means that our MotoGP weekend event will be moved to Friday, August 17th, and our Halloween Race will be on October 27th. We will also be meeting with the other promoters so that there are no conflicts. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for updates. Win a 2012 VIP Pass We plan on having a promotional poster printed with all of our 2012 race dates which will be hung at businesses around the state. We would like to invite our riders, fans, and spectators to submit their artwork. If your artwork is used, we will provide you with a 2012 VIP pass which provides free pit access to all of our 2012 events. We would like the artwork to be submitted in an 8.5" x 11" format. Remember that if you are going to use another photographer's work you must have their permission to use their photo, and to give them a photo credit. Don't worry about race dates yet, we will add them at a later time. Deadline for all submissions is 12/31/11. E-mail your work to info@midamspeedway.com. Thank you again for supporting us in 2011, and we look forward to seeing you in 2012. Sincerely, Mid-America 2012The 2012 schedule will be posted shortly after AMA ProRacing announces their schedule. We plan on working with the other promoters in Indiana and neighboring states to put together a schedule that makes sense for everybody. 2012 will see 12 to 13 events on the schedule. Here are three dates that Mid-America will be running in 2012: June 23rd - 5th Annual Marion County Fair Race Mid-America News - Oct 28There is a post on the Peoria Motorcycle Club's FB page that they have moved the 2012 to August 11 so that the Indy Mile can run on August 18. This means that Mid-America will be running our big event of the year on August 17, 2012. Jim Terchila 13 minutes ago via BlackBerry (October 28, 2011) Mid-America News - Oct 26It's hard to believe that Mid-America track is about to complete our fourth season. This has without a doubt been our most successful season yet. The rider count continues to improve and we are seeing the talent pool deepen as the rider's skills continue to improve. During the first few seasons we would get a couple Pro-Sport riders per season, now we are getting several Pro, Expert, and even former Grand National winners at every event. Thank you for supporting us over the years and as soon as this Saturday's race is over we will be working on the 2012 season. Mid-America News - Oct 14Our last e-mail mentioned that there were only a few weeks left in the 2011 season and that October in Indiana generally sees some pretty nice weather which leads to some great track conditions. If you were at our October 8th race you can appreciate these comments. The track was in excellent condition and saw some of the fastest lap times of the season. We had 78 entries which is a little on the light side but the entire event was run inside of two hours. Every rider that we spoke to complimented the track. My favorite comment of the night came from George Mack who is one of the best known engine builders in the business. George commented that the Mid-America track was one of the best he had ever ridden, and he had been to "every one of them". He was even more complimentary of the other riders, fans, and track crew as he could not believe how friendly everybody was. Thank you to everybody that has supported Mid-America this year and don't forget that there is still plenty of racing left before the ice tires need to be mounted up. Most of the tracks in neighboring states have already shut down but in the tradition of Mid-America doing things differently our 2nd Annual Halloween Race may be the most unique yet. Last year we encouraged riders to dress in costume and go trick or treating throughout the pits. This year we have added a twist for anybody that has signed up for a trophy class. During every event for the past four years, a rider's starting position for their heat was based on when their entry fee was received. On October 29th grid positions for heat races in all of the trophy classes will be based on the quality of your costume. Our crew of celebrity judges will score each rider as they leave staging. The number on the judges card will indicate where they are to line up on the starting line. Remember that this only applies to trophy classes, and the judge's decision will be final. The starting position for the main will still be decided by a riders finish position in their heat race. Our year end Awards banquet will be held at Indy's Restaurant on November 5th at 6:30pm. Indy's is located at 2544 South Lynhurst Drive in Indianapolis. (Airport Expressway and Lynhurst) If you are in the top three in your class and have entered at least 51% of all events run you will receive your award at Indy's, if you cannot make the banquet, we will have your certificate at the first event of 2012. If you are going to be attending, we must have an RSVP from you via phone or e-mail if you and your family are planning on attending. When RSVP'ing via e-mail, please indicate how many people will be with you. Mid-America News - Oct 4The 2011 season will be over in just over three weeks, but Mid-America still has three events left before the season is over. Our October events typically see some of the best track conditions as we are able to keep more moisture in the track and while it cools off somewhat, the forecast for this weekend is calling for temps in the 80's. The next event is this Saturday, October 8th. Rider's meeting is at 4:30, practice is at 5:00 and the first heat blasts off at 7:00. Racing continues on October 22nd, and then our second annual Halloween Race takes place on October 29th. This event was one of the highlights of the 2010 season and while it may not be as big as the MotoGP event it is sure to be the second biggest event of the year. We have already heard from several Pro and Expert riders that they are planning on attending. We are also going to have our banquet on Saturday, November 5th at 6:30. The banquet will be at Indy's Restaurant which is located at 2544 South Lynhurst Drive in Indianapolis. From I-465 on the west side of Indianapolis take the Airport Expressway east and go south on Lynhurst. Indy's is about 1/2 mile down on the right. Two weeks ago we announced that we were going to be offering free entries to any ladies wanting to enter the Dirt Diva's class We had a couple show up but we are still looking for more entries. It seems as if everybody is on Facebook these days, and Mid-America is no different. We find that it is a great way to get the word out regarding track activities or just to brag about how good the track is looking. Please consider visiting the Mid-America Facebook page and clicking like. Mid-America News - Sep 16There are only a few races left in the 2011 Mid-America season and this has been our most successful season yet. The weather is starting to cool which makes for excellent track conditions, and most of the other Midwest tracks wrap their seasons up by the end of September. The weather in Indiana is pretty nice through October so we jump on the chance to get a few more races in before we mount the ice tires. Tyler Porter at www.fightfordt.com stated that we like to do things different than other tracks. We took that as both a compliment and a challenge. We have races on September 24th, October 8th, 22, and the 29th. The October 29th race is the second annual Halloween race and last year's event was one of the most fun races that we have ever had. Please read below to see what else is going on at Mid-America. MotoGP Wrapup Mid-America Moved to Saturday, Running all classesI saw a post on Facebook today that said that "Dirt track racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night. It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The dirt track is home away from home. You smell that race fuel, rubber, and alcohol . When you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears." Sincerely,Jim Terchila Mid-America Speedway (August 23, 2011) Indy Mile CancelledIt was announced yesterday that the Indy Mile scheduled for next Saturday, August 27th has been cancelled. We have decided to move the Mid-America event that was scheduled for Friday the 26th to Saturday and then run all of our regular classes. The 450 class will pay $1500 to win, and speedway pays $1000 to win. The website will be updated Sunday PM. Jim talked to the promoter of the mile yesterday morning just before they announced that they were canceling, and he said that they didn't think they were going to reschedule this year Jim Terchila Indianapolis August 26, 2011The biggest weekend for motorcycle racing in Indiana is just over a week away. Mid-America is pleased to announce that we are able to put on an event on this weekend, and hope that you will join us on Friday, August 26th for our "Night before the mile" We also want to wish good luck to our regular riders that will be riding the mile on Saturday. Please read below for more information regarding the August 26th event. We are running three distinct classes on August 26th. The 450 Flat track class has a $3500 purse with $1500 going to the winner, and we have commitments from several well known riders. The speedway class has a $2100 purse with $1000 going to the winner. We currently have 13 speedway riders signed up and more are expected to sign up. One of the more unique classes is going to be the Bob Stark Indian Arrow Challenge featuring riders on seven identically prepared Indian Arrows. Entry fee is $50 per class which includes the rider's pit pass. Grandstand tickets for the August 26th event are $15 for adults, $5 for kids 5-9, and age 4 and under are free. Pit passes are $20 for adults age 10 and over, $10 for kids 5-9, and free for age 4 and under. $1000 to win Indianapolis August 26, 2011If you are coming to Indianapolis for the MotoGP weekend be sure to stop by Mid-America Speedway on Friday, August 26th. We are paying $1000 to win Division 1, $500 for second, $250 for third, $125 for fourth, $75 for fifth and $50 for sixth through 8th. To get on the program, call Jim Terchila at 317.871.4392. Mid-America Speedway (August 16,2011) Mid-America News - Aug 8The next race at Mid-America is this Saturday August 13th. The initial e-mail incorrectly said that our next event was August 20th. Rider's meeting is at 4:00, practice at 4:30, and racing is at 7:00. It appears that the weather is finally starting to cool, and the forecast for this weekend is a high of only 84 degrees. If the forecast is correct it would be the first race of the year that was ran when the temperatures were below 90 degrees. The truck and tractor pulls took a toll on the track two weeks ago and we worked hard to get the track back in shape for last weeks race, unfortunately we received a storm at midnight on Friday night and some of the rain collected in the low spots. We have lined up more equipment to come out tomorrow to fix the low spots and get the drainage issues corrected. Start Times MotoGP Weekend 450 Pro Flattrack class 16 of the fastest speedway riders in the country Bob Stark Indian Arrow Challenge featuring riders on identically prepared machines. Points Practice Steel Horse TV Concessions Mid-America Speedway on Facebook Jim Terchila Mid-America Speedway 317.871.4392 (August 8,2011) Mid-America News - Jul 29We have completed four events in 2011 and each event continues to attract new riders as word gets out about Mid-America Speedway. In 2009 we had a total of 164 riders attend at least one event. This year we have had 215 different riders and we still have eight events left on the schedule. The Marion County Fair Race on 7/23 was a huge success, the only downside was that we were rained out on Sunday, July 24th. Now that the fair is over, we will be back at the track hard at work getting it ready for this weekend's event. Many of you know that the fair uses the front straight for the truck and tractor pulls for the second week of the fair. While this may seem like it would cause damage to the track it actually helps us because it gives us an opportunity to get some heavy equipment out and make the track better for the remaining races of the 2011 season. We have also purchased new equipment for the PA system so those in the stands and pit areas can better hear the announcer. Upcoming Events: Our big event of 2011 is the 2011 Midwest Speedway Championship, 450 Pro Shootout, and Bob Stark Indian Arrow Challenge. This event will take place at 7:00pm Friday, August 26th which is the night before the Indy Mile. Purse details are still being worked out, but this will be the best paying event of our 2011 season. Here are the classes that are being run: 450 Pro Flattrack class 16 of the fastest speedway riders in the country Bob Stark Indian Arrow Challenge featuring riders on identically prepared machines. Practice: Jim Terchila Mid-America Speedway 317.871.4392 (July 29,2011) Mid-America News - Jul 12Round three of the Mid-America Speedway's 2011 season is this Saturday, July 16th. This weeks featured class in the Vet 50+ class. where Mid-America pays tribute to the riders that have been riding flat track for 80+ years. The winner of the class will receive a $75 bonus for winning, second place will receive a $50 bonus, and the oldest rider finishing third through last will receive $25. These bonuses are in addition to the regular trophy/trophy buyback program that is offered in all of our trophy classes. This is a larger payout than what was paid when this class was featured in 2010 and the rider turnout on that night was impressive. Based on feedback from some of our 50+ riders there may be as many as three heats in the 50+ class. Riders meeting is at 4:00, with practice starting at 4:30 and heat races at 7:00. Pit passes are $10 for ages 10+, $5 for ages 5-9, and 4 and under are free. Entry fees for adult classes are $25, and youth classes are $20. Grandstand seating is $8 for ages 10+ $4 for ages 5-9 and free for 4 and under. Two adults and all of the kids can get a "family pack" to the grandstands for $20. We are always looking to do things different than the other tracks and the weekend of July 23rd/24th is no different. Saturday, July 23rd is our normal class schedule and counts toward the 2011 Mid-America Points Series. Jackson Oil and Solvents will also be on hand giving away oil, and a fuel jug with a $25 voucher to fill the jug to one lucky rider. However, we are changing things up for Sunday. The biggest change is that we are running seven classes: Open Bike, Open Quad, Quad 401-450cc, 250cc Bike, Super Senior 50+, Vet 30+, and Youth 65-200cc. The Open Bike and Open Quad classes will pay $300 to win, plus our normal payout which averages just over 80% payback. This means that if there are 12 or more entries in the class, the winner is going to take home a little over $400. The 0-250cc bike class pays $200 to win, plus the normal payout. Super Senior 50+, Vet 30+, and 65-200 Youth pays $100 bonus to the winning bike owner plus double the normal trophy buyback. Now for the big catch, the top six from the Open quad class on Saturday will be guaranteed front row starting spots on Sunday. All classes will feature a minimum of twelve lap mains. Rider's meeting is at noon, practice at 12:15, and racing starts at 2:00pm. Practice Updates Jim Terchila Mid-America Speedway 317.871.4392 (July 12, 2011) Flat Track School at Mid-AmericaWe have had several people ask about us doing a flat track school at Mid-America but the question that always comes up is who would teach it. I was speaking to Mike Hacker from The Ride Academy and they would be willing to do a two day flat track school at Mid-America for $500 per rider which includes lunch for the riders. The two day school would most likely start Saturday evening lasting about five hours the first day, and then continue on Sunday morning from 11:00am to 5:00pm. We are looking at dates in September, but nothing is firm just yet. Mike needs 15 students to put on the school so we need to know if there is enough interest in trying to get Mike and his staff to make the trip from Virginia to Indianapolis. All of the fees associated with putting on the school would be paid directly to Mike as Mid-America is simply providing a venue for the school. Jim Terchila Mid-American Speedway Rained OutIt was disappointing to have to cancel last week's (June 18) race after all of the work that was put into the track during the week, but we had run 15 events in a row without a rain out so perhaps we were due. The good news is that we have rescheduled this event for this Saturday, June 25th Rider's meeting is at 4:00, practice is at 4:30 and racing begins at 7:00. This is also Vet 30+ night with $100 going to the winner of the Vet 30+ class. We will also be awarding the sticker pictured below to each main event winner. If you won on June 4th, please see us for your sticker. Mid-America Speedway - www.midamspeedway.com - 317.871.4392 (June 19, 2011) Mid-American SpeedwayThe 2011 Mid-America Season kicks off on June 4th. Practice starts at 4:00 and racing starts promptly at 6:00. We are offering a $100 bonus to the winning bike owner in the 80-200cc youth class. Round two of the Mid-America points series takes place on June 18th. The winner of the Vet 30+ class will receive a $100 bonus on this night. The fair board has added asphalt millings to the access road into the track, and through about a third of the pit area. You will want to arrive early to get a prime parking spot off of the dirt. We also have a new food vendor this year. Ryan from Tacos without borders will be at our events. They have created about fifteen unique tacos from around the globe for you to sample, and will be rolling out new tacos periodically to keep things fresh. They offer a large variety of the worlds most popular foods and beverages for you to enjoy ... inspired from the worlds most popular street foods!
Join Mid America on Facebook!Want up to the minute updates? Any last minute updates will be posted here first. Mid-America Speedway - www.midamspeedway.com - 317.871.4392 Jim Terchila - jimterchila@yahoo.com (May 27, 2011)Midwest SpeedwayMid-America is still committed to growing speedway in the Midwest Hopefully the folks on this forum will support us.... The 2011 season at Mid-America begins in a little over three weeks. 2010 was the most successful ever, and we have plans to make 2011 even better. Here is a brief rundown on the 2011 dates: June 4th: Support the future of the sport with $100 going to the bike owner in the 85-200cc class. June 18th: Vet 30+ night, with $100 to the winner of the vet 30+ class. (Normal trophy/trophy buyback rules also apply) July 16th: Vet 50+ night. $75 to win the 50 + class, $50 for second, and $25 to the oldest finishing rider in positions third through last in the main. (Normal trophy/trophy buyback rules also apply) July 23rd: Marion County Fair Race. August 26th: August 13th: FRIDAY August 26th: Midwest Speedway Championship, 450 Pro Shoot-out, and Bob Stark Indian Arrow Challenge. Minimum of $1000 to win the Speedway and 450 Pro Class. Also new this year is an IROC type class featuring riders on identically prepared 250cc Indians. (See web site for a current list of riders) September 10th: Vintage Heavy night: $100 to win the Vintage Heavy Class (Normal trophy/trophy buyback rules also apply) September 24th: October 8th: October 22nd October 29th: Second Annual Halloween race. Riders are encouraged to wear their favorite Halloween over their riding gear. Prizes will be awarded to best costumes. Mid-America Speedway - www.midamspeedway.com - 317.871.4392 Jim Terchila - jimterchila@yahoo.com (May 10, 2011)>Speedway Long Track National ChampionshipCalifornia Speedway Riders interested in competing at the
Speedway Long Track National Championship in Canton, Ohio May 28th. May 28-29, 2011 - Canton, Ohio Speedway Long Track National ChampionshipAnnouncing the 2011 Bike Days Speedway Long Track schedule:
The Speedway Long Track National Championship will be held during Bike Days at the Stark County Fairgrounds, Canton, Ohio on Saturday, May 28, 2011. ATTN: Speedway Riders - Registration is open online. May 28-29, 2011 - Canton, Ohio - Speedway Long Track National Championship Scott & Staci <brownmotors@sssnet.com> (March 30, 2011) Riders Profile There is now a Riders Profile Application / Update Form. You can use this to update or create a new riders profile. All of the riders profiles can be found from this link here, Riders Profiles. We were able to get a lot of the riders updated last year and hope to continue with that success. Cheers RC Jones E-Mail rcjones@speedwaybikes.com Bike Days at the Stark County Fairgrounds in CANTON, Ohio Bike Days at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon, Ohio Mid-America News January 4, 2011The New Year is upon us and the 2011 race season will be here before we know it. I have seen many of the regular Mid-America rider's names in the results page of the various winter series that are going on, and we also saw several familiar faces at Cedar Lake 's Moto on Ice last weekend. If you have never ridden on ice it is a blast and you will be amazed at how fast you can enter a corner. The 2011 schedule has been posted on our website. The first event will be on Saturday, June 4th. We always get asked about starting earlier in the season, but Indiana weather is just too unpredictable in May for us to start any earlier. The June 4th event is going to pay $100 to the winning bike owner in the 80-200 youth class. The winning rider will also receive the normal trophy/trophy buyback for winning the class. The person signing the winning rider's release form will be considered the bike owner for the purpose of payout so that a rider's amateur status is not jeopardized. We will race again on June 18th, and then we are going to offer some extra money to the riders in the 50+ Senior class on July 16th. In addition to the normal trophy/trophy buyback program, the winner of the class will receive $75, second place will receive $50, and the oldest rider finishing third through 16th will receive $25. Our fourth race of the season will be the fourth annual Marion County Fair race on July 23rdd. In 2008 we put this race on for the first time, and Mid-America would not exist today had that race not been a success. We will be racing again on August 6th and August 13th. The biggest event of our 2011 season is going to be on Friday, August 26th. This is the night before the Indy Mile, and we are going to feature a 450 shootout with a purse that has already attracted the attention of some of the top pro riders in the country. We are also going to run the speedway bikes with 16 of the fastest speedway riders in the country, and a class similar to the old IROC series except in this case the riders will all be on identically prepared motorcycles. We then return to racing on Saturday nights with events schedule for September 10th and 24th, October 8th, and 22nd. The season finale will be on October 29th and this will be our second annual Halloween race. Last year's race was a huge success and once again rider's will be encouraged to dress up in their favorite costume. Practice days will once again be held on Wednesday's prior to non-race weekends. There will be some exceptions due to other activities occurring at the fairgrounds, but this format seemed to work fairly well last season. We will also have some Sunday practices throughout the year. These will be posted on our website as the season gets closer. Scagg's Design's came up with some awesome Mid-America T-shirts. They can be purchased through our website and are normally mailed within 2-3 days. Shirts are $15 each, and shipping is $5 per order. We are currently out of adult medium and XL, but more will be ordered soon. Anthony Barlow who is the promoter of the Extreme International Ice Series has asked me to send a note out to let riders know that they are going to be running 450 flat-track bikes at their events in St. Charles , MO on January 22nd and in Danville , IL on February 25th. If you are interested in riding drop us a note and we can send more details. He will also have info on the XiiR website in the coming days. See you at the races The staff of Mid-America Speedway We hope to have our 2011 schedule done by mid-December. We do not anticipate any major changes to the schedule next year. Racing will start in June, and run through October, and we will have 10 to 12 race dates. We do know that we will be having our fourth annual Marion County Fair Race near the end of July, and an event on Friday, August 27th which is the night before the Indy Mile. The 2011 event will feature speedway bikes and one or two classes of vintage flat track. See you at the races!