2018 Speedway New and Views
Doing it right - Turning left
AMA Speedway National Championship Series Round 1 Big Time Speedway
by Howie Zechner

Americas best racers; a well-groomed racetrack and perfect weather made for an outstanding night of fast, tight, brakeless action. Impressive to say the least the evening’s competition produced nine different heat winners. Being the events Grand Marshall was the cherry on the top of this ice cream Sunday called the AMA Speedway National Championship Series.
 Big Time Promoter Steve Elstins with Grand Marshall Howie Zechner
The seven hour and change drive from Pasadena CA to the track was pleasant enough as "The Flying Flea" Sammy Tanner and Speedway racer "Handful" Kenny Hansen keep me entertained with stories of adventures and mishaps. Good guys a pair they were as excited about the big race as I was.

"The Flying Flea" Sammy Tanner in front of the Arai billboard at Big Time Speedway Sammy and Kenny had been to Big Time Speedway before but this was my first visit. A stunning location at the base of the Sierra Nevada Foothills the track is located in the Prairie City State Vehicle Area (SVRA) about 20 miles from downtown Sacramento CA. Managed by the Off-Highway Division of the Department of Parks and Recreation the 836 acre facility hosts a large variety of racing that include Mountain Bike, 4x4, Karting, Hare Scrambles, Mimi Bike, Moto X, Flattrack, Trail-riding, and a host of others including the annual Hangtown Motocross Race. Many organizations use this facility for training and education and the park is also home to a large variety of birds and wildlife. It does a heart good to see our taxes being used in a manner that contributes to the betterment of motorcycles, the off road community and environmental groups.
We were early so some exploring was in order. Paved and dirt roads led to all areas of the park and we did our best to see it all. Flat, open grasslands, rolling hills with native blue oak trees, the place is huge. Everywhere there are different racecourse layouts and tracks. Something for everyone the place is well utilized.

The Big Time pits were already full with riders and mechanics when we pulled in. Their section a visual delight of different color pop-up and sponsor banners. Treated like the rock stars they are each competitor received a swag bag of gifts from Big Time Speedway. A stark reminder of the battle yet to come.

Now Speedway is a family of the competition kind. Always a love fest of friendship and respect all mingle and relay what’s new since their last encounter. Still this is a race so hugs, smiles and refection have a short window before competition rules. No worries I visit with each rider and catch up on yesterday and their hopes for tomorrow.
 Fast Eddie Castro, World Champion Billy Hamill, Kenny Hansen, Steve Bast
The small 1/4 mile decomposed granite racetrack looks awesome. Countless hours on preparation by promoters Steve Stefanski and Steve Elstins had created what many told me was the best racing surface they had ever seen there. True that because the track produced some phenomenal racing and stayed rut free all night.

Steve and Steve had been looking forward to this event. Being a newer promotion hosting a Speedway National series round was a big deal. They fought for it, they babied it, they worked it. They're nurturing would not go unnoticed because the event succeeded in all its goals and was a highly successful promotion.
 Fast Fridays promoter Dave Joiner – Big Time Speedway promoter Steve Stefanski
It had the best riders we have here in America. I mean all the big guns were here. All coming in with a blank sheet of scoring, this race was no Saturday night social. Points would be hard fought and a win would make you the current series leader.
 Riders Broc Nicole, Dillon Ruml, Billy Janniro
 Photographers Karen A Checkered & Jayne Albrecht Oden document opening ceremony
The staff included announcer "Roondog" Mike Rooney,promoter Dave Joiner, and referee Steve Lucero (I knew him when we called him "Badboy"). Starter Tom Fox, Ryan Evans, Industry promoter Kelly Inman and others also made the trip from down south to help. All professionals the staff shone as the evenings racing went off without a hitch.
 Kelly Inman,Steve Lucero, Tom Fox, Ryan Evans and others compare notes
 Track Announcer Mike Rooney with Bart Bast – Rider Jason Ramirez on R/H/S
Fans were plentiful. They came, they yelled, they cheered. I visited with quite a few and all were excited about the racetrack and venue.

AMA Track Racing Manger Ken Saillant flew in from Ohio for the event. His approval is vital for any promotion wishing to sanction events of this caliber. I'm sure the Steves were more than pleased with the high marks Ken gave their promotion and facility.
 AMA Track Racing Manger Ken Saillant – Industry Racing Promoter Kelly Inman
Way to go Steve Stefanski and Steve Elstins. Your hard work and money validate your commitment to this sport. You guys truly are Big Time Speedway.
 Promoter Steve Stefanski congratulates 2nd place winner Luke Becker
Like most things that are fast and furious the racing ended way to soon. One for the record books Billy Janniro won with Luke Becker, Austin - #Novratil and Broc Nicol following.
 1st Billy Janniro - 2nd Luke Becker – 3rd Austin Novratil
There are so many who deserve the accolades of success in this event. Their dedication and support are the engine that powers the wheel called Speedway. I thank them all for the privilege of allowing me to share a small space in what I consider the most exciting sport in the universe.

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Below are the race results via Ryan Evans
Heat 1
1. Billy Janniro
2. Dillon Ruml
3. Jason Ramirez
4. Tim Gomez
Heat 2
1. Broc Nicol
2. Dan Faria
3. Bryan Yarrow
4. Russell Green
Heat 3
1. Luke Becker
2. Tyson Burmeister
3. Austin Novratil
4. Tommy Hedden
Heat 4
1. Jimmy Fishback
2.Aaron Fox
3. Bart Bast
4. Eddie Castro
Heat 5
1. Broc Nicol
2. Dillon Ruml
3. Tyson Burmeister
4. Eddie Castro
Heat 6
1. Billy Janniro
2. Tommy Hedden
3. Bryan Yarrow
4. Jimmy Fishback DNF
Heat 7
1. Luke Becker
2. Aaron Fox
3. Tim Gomez
Heat 8
1. Austin Novratil
2. 2. Jason Ramirez
3. Russell Green
4. Bart Bast
Heat 9
1. Luke Becker
2. Jimmy Fishback
3. Bart Bast
4. Bryan Yarrow
Heat 10
1. Austin Novratil
2. Billy Janniro
3. Broc Nicol
4. Aaron Fox
Heat 11
1. Russell Green
2. Tyson Burmeister
3. Jimmy Fishback
4. Tim Gomez
Heat 12
1. Jason Ramirez
2. Tommy Hedden
3. Dan Faria
4. Eddie Castro
Heat 13
1. Austin Novratil
2. Jimmy Fishback
3. Dillon Ruml
4. Dan Faria
Heat 14
1. Luke Becker
2. Russell Green
3. Billy Janniro
4. Eddie Castro
Heat 15
1. Broc Nicol
2. Bart Bast
3. Tommy Hedden
4. Tim Gomez
Heat 16
1. Aaron Fox
2. Tyson Burmeister
3. Bryan Yarrow
4. Jason Ramirez
Heat 17
1. Dillon Ruml
2. Russell Green
3. Aaron Fox
4. Tommy Hedden
Heat 18
1. Billy Janniro
2. Tyson Burmeister
3. Dan Faria
Heat 19
1. Austin Novratil
2. Tim Gomez
3. Eddie Castro
4. Bryan Yarrow
Heat 20
1. Luke Becker
2. Broc Nicol
3. Jimmy Fishback
4. Jason Ramirez
1. Broc Nicol
2. Luke Becker
3. Tyson Burmeister
4. Russell Green
1. Billy Janniro
2. Austin Novratil
1. Billy Janniro
2. Luke Becker
3. Austin Novratil
4. Broc Nicol