Indoor ICE Speedway Racing
Fall Classic International ICE Racing Championships
The Greatest Spectacle On Ice
1977-1996 20th Anniversary
Promoted by: Gary Densford - President / I.C.E.
Saturday night 7:30PM, October 26, 1996
Corel Center Arena
Kanata, Ontario, Canada (Ottawa)
This event featured top California Speedway riders fresh from a hot season's racing! This was the first time California and Canada speedway riders competed together in Canada! Unlimited QUADS were on the program as well. We saw a HARLEY v-twin in one of these rigs! The monster truck of the motorcycle world! 2,700 tickets were sold / distributed before the event, but due to the Baseball World Series Final on the same night, there were only about 1,500 in the stadium for the show. The facilities were excellent, and the show was well run. The referee was very lenient letting everyone back to the start line after a red flagged race, including Gary and Doug the boxers! There were more 8 to 14 year old boys there than we usually see at a speedway event, and a lot of Polish fans. The riders were swamped with requests for autographs, and hundreds of I.C.E. tee shirts and hats sold after the show, proving the fans loved it, and want to see it back again! No dust, no dirt, (the kids in the audience were running through the front seats on the corners catching the snow sprayed up from the bikes) and better traction than the best dirt track (very consistent) allowing the riders to really push it to the limits!
Speedway Motorcycle Results:
1st Patt "The Rat" Litt ('91 National Champ, '92 World Champ, '91,92 World Cup Champ.)
2nd Rob "Kid" Curry (North California) ('89 World Cup Champ.)
3rd John Grant - (rode reserve in American Final)
4th Gary Akroyd
5th Kenneth Nystrom (Sweden)
6th John Gregg
Quad Results:
1. Jason Montgomery
2. Matt Woodruff
3. Mike Anderson
4. Chris Johnson
5. Michael Goodrich
6. Nathan Delormie
7. Matty Kangas
8. Dennis Segatto
Pat "The Rat" Litt from Colorado, with checked flag. |
Pat "The Rat" Litt takes the checked flag in final, ahead of Curry (against boards). |
Pat "The Rat" Litt throws souvenir rats to crowd after his win. |
Action in final! Gary Ackroyd, in fifth, Pat Litt above him in first, Curry in second, unknown third and fourth. |
Action! Gary Ackroyd ahead of Canadian, Gary Hesmer. |
Headline: "Web ignites Harley!" Michael Goodrich's quad gets a boost from Kim's "Canadian & USA Speedway" van. |
- Warren Diem - ('90 World Champ. '88 World Cup Champ.) - did not show!
No, not Patrick Ahlund, but a friend of his from the Kaparna track in Gothenburg... - Kennith Nyström - made it into the final from second row in the last chance race, and finished fifth!
- Your's truly, Kim Gregory - dead flat rear tire for most of the program! I still placed 8th, (finished 4th in last chance race!) and got $143 prize money as the top Canadian!
- Gary "The Hitman" Hesmer - Caused 3 restarts of our first heat, including a fist fight with Doug Greyson on the back straight! ( his borrowed tires from ice champion George Lazor lost most of the studs off the center of the front tire, throwing Gary into Doug). The bends Gary's bike received from the wall gave him handling problems through the night.
- Glen Evoy
John Dmytrow - We didn't get John "Crash" Dmytrow out on the ice again, he was the starting marshal!
There was a $3000 US for prize money for the speedway. Riders are required to have special tire studs ( 160 thou. high "Silver Rocket" racing studs- only ones permitted, available from Gary) to enter. Prize payout was $50, $45, $30, $20 for two heats per rider and "last chance", and $700, $400, $300, $200, $100, $50 payout in the final.
John "crash" Dmytrow of Welland County Motorcycle Club, helped with the organizing of this event. Canadian riders can contact him as well for more information of future events at:
124 McAlpine Ave. South
Welland, Ontario, Canada L3B 1T6
Phone (905) 735-9324
ICE E-mail from: davem@magmacom.com (Dave Meredith)
Kim ..
I had tickets the day they went on sale! There's 6 of us going from the Bike Chapter, looking forward to it. I live about 5 Min's from the Coral
Center. I ride a 1200 Goldwing, but I try to stay off the ice!
Kim ..
We thought it was great!! We were in the second level, they are the best seats to over look the whole event. It's to bad you had a flat tire, but at
least you finished!! Where are you racing next? Are there any plans to return to Ottawa?
Great show!!!