Stan Bradbury's Speedway Training Notes
Dedicated to: Dorothy, my long suffering wife Hazel, my daughter, who has been so much help. Tony, my son-in-law, who as a fellow ex-pro (Crayford and Wolverhampton) aided and abetted so many schemes. Bob Fisher, Mike Tams, Wes Pierce, and many others, too numerous to mention.

The following is a collection of information gathered over many years by several people. It consists of material which is not readily obtainable from other sources. If you are already familiar with some of this information, that is good.
Perhaps you will bear with us and as you read on, you may come across several items which will eventually prove to be of value to you. If you already know everything in these notes perhaps you still have a lot to learn which is not in these or any other notes.
Copyright notice
Permission to copy all or part of this document is granted, provided that:
- the copies are not made or distributed for resale
- acknowledgement is given to the author, - Stan Bradbury -
For permission to publish (resale), please contact Stan at (905) 646-5642
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